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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. OK, problem again. Lately my connection has been acting dodgy, sometimes is like it times out kinda. I open the computer, open browser (same for IE MOZ and OPERA) i manage to check 3 sites/links and then thats it, browser cant find the page. Tried closing the firewall (just updated to Kerio from ZApro) and all kinds of apps...but the ONLY thing that works is going through TCP/IP and put auto-assign. When i do that it works like a charm. My problem is that i want a static IP for all my p2p port forwarding needs. Check my comp with the latest defs on spy sweeper, s&d etc etc and its clean. Help a kneegrow out
  2. casek, thanx man, works like a charm. now, a stupid question. Lets say i'm dling a torrent and i need to get back on the page where it was published to comment or send the link to a friend. is there a way to do that through the info i get in the azureus details for the files or i just have to spend half an hour just browsing/searching through the countless torrents on demonoid or wherever i got it from? tell me there's an easy way around this..
  3. i need some software that will record/download (in the way that videodownloader saves videos from youtube) any sounds mp3's that are either embedded on some site (myspace music for example) or even radio shows i'm listening online. Any ideas? Thanx
  4. I got a radeon 9800 and i run the ati drivers, catalyst and stuff..if theres a better alternative, i'd take it.
  5. Managed to go around installing wmp11(thanks mindvapors) on an illegal windows copy, but i have problems with IE7 and Defender...and btw, when is Vista coming out officially?
  6. I recovered some flicks from my corrupted memstick using photoresquepro(thank god) Some work fine and some may be available as a thumbnail on explorer but not up for a proper open, some just dont work and some give me a 'unsupported jpeg process/compression:SOF type 0xc8' when opening with irfanview. I tried opening them with: irfanview(all plugins) photoshop cs2 nero image viewer windows viewer. Is there some software out there that could be able to fix those? is there some other recovery software that would go deeper than photoresque pro? thanx amigos.
  7. thanx for directX man, false alarm on wmp. i actually meant 11 any links/ways to get around the gennuinity issue?
  8. In need of DirectX9.0c and wmp 10 without having to go through windows validation, please
  9. Tesseract


    The day this thread makes a page without a single nike pair the world will come to an end.
  10. I know next thing to nothing about flv and subs. As far as azureus/utorrent you aint missing nothing. I was using utorrent but started having problems (that where all related with my low share ratio) and i thought of changing client. Azureus has more obvious indications about pretty much everything and thats how i realised i was the worst type of leecher (gasp) I'd like to go back to utorrent but i dunno what that means for my share ratio...is it client related? will i keep the same rates by swaping apps? Casek, thanx for the advice, seeding complete seasons of tv series for a week straight on a 512/128 adsl doesnt really cut it...
  11. Ok, solved prob#2 by disabling the torrent toolbar. Another thing thats completely silly and really annoying: I've been dling using torrents for a good year now and i never got to read alot about all these things. I set up utorrent, forwarded the port and just did mt thing. Only problem is that i have a 22 GB partition on my drive called Incoming and thats where all my downloads go. Just because 22 G's are nothing serious when a download was complete i would my files someplace else and naturally, stop seeding. I was always under the idea that since i seed while i download i was fine (clueless on share ration etc etc). At some point demonoid wasnt working for me and i couldn't figure out why and right after that i left utorrent for azureus and checked the bad news..share ratio:0.692. I've been a fuckin leech and didnt even knew it. Right now i'm having horrible transfer speeds and all kinds of difficulties, needless to say i leave my comp open all the time seeding whatever was left or its adding on my list. I'm sure you guys know more details about all that shit and for sure have some cool suggestions besides the obvious, for how long should i seed a torrent? whats a good ratio? what can you do in general to improve it? help a leecher out.
  12. Ok guys more weird problems for you: 1. I use itunes7 and weirdly enough, when itunes is playing 'silence'(for example the part that comes before a bonus track) my whole system goes nuts...everything lags like a bitch and then it comes back to full balance after silence ends. In the meantime not even ctrl-alt-del works. I know this sounds fuckin weird but it took weeks for me to actually pinpoint my self and i stand buffled aswell. 2. My firefox is now highlighting text that i used on the googlebar inside all the pages i open, that's super annoying:
  13. Word johnny, Another question... I want to save all the flicks from a thumbnail page like this for example by clickin once...so far flashget is taking care of that..what i really want is to save all the target pictures behind the thumb images (the actual higher res pictures) whithout having to open them one by one. I remember doing that in the past but cant recall how. I have flashget and the firefox extention.
  14. Johnny, that fixed it! Good lookin out man.. The new firefox looks good but opera is steadily winning me. Another problem: My lg GSA4160B dvd recorder refuses to burn anything above 2x while its a 16x machine I burned hundreds of dvd's at 16x. So far i was using dvd+ and i keep noticing the problem with DVD- whats up?
  15. i already lost them after upgrading to 2.0 i just hope someone has a suggestion on how to regain them...i'm sure they're somewhere...
  16. i guess i can but maybe then i'll just kiss my bookmarks goodbye forever
  17. Guys, help me out, this is a fuckin nightmare..mozilla sucks so much for me right now, bookmarks disappeared, tabs are fuckin glitchy as hell and the whole program is reacting really poorly. On a sidenote, mainter, your manual solution for WMP worked like a charm, you're unbelievable dude!
  18. Just updated and my shit got destroyed... Lost all my boomarks, tabs dont work, shits mad retarted in general how do i roll back?
  19. mainter, thanx man..havent had the chance to try the rest of the stuff but i cant install wmp 11 since my copy of windows is illegal...i'll try the other options and give you a heads up.
  20. Hello yall, i have a laptop that all of a sudden gives me a 'An internal application error has occurred' when i try to play .avi's on windows media player. It was fine before and i havent installed/uninstalled any new compressors and stuff. any ideas?
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