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Everything posted by mud_buddha

  1. Again, new to me. AVID is the shit.
  2. I don't think I've been here in a decade.
  3. how much of that $250 goes to the actual artist of the piece? [ATTACH]74426.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. I think I third that? We had a conversation about that piece, didn't we?
  5. another shot of this one. [ATTACH]72563.vB[/ATTACH] From
  6. "react graffiti" turns up a lot of, well, graffiti (some of which is posted above) you could also have done a quick scan of http://graffiti.org/index/artists.html
  7. from: Rob React - Rob Larsen : DrunkenFist.com
  8. You can kind of see the IMOK and the REA here (from react's flickr) [ATTACH]59824.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. [ATTACH]57305.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]57306.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]57307.vB[/ATTACH]
  10. HEADS UP TOYZ I always loved that
  11. That's the shit right there. So fresh!
  12. Re: sketches by "BOM" and I actually LIKE the first outline. So I'm not all evil. It has some funk and has nice balance.
  13. Re: sketches by "BOM" Well, now you have and BOM5 isn't just some no-talent sucker with no legacy. I'm just saying. Even if you get good, you'll be "that other BOM" or "that fake-ass sucker BOM from Podunk, wherever-the-fuck-you're-from" Just a thought.
  14. Re: sketches by "BOM" BOM5 [ATTACH]55519.vB[/ATTACH]
  15. You're a fucking crackhead. Or a clever troll. If you're for real... Do you actually know any writers? My guess is "no."
  16. I guess this is just an elaborate troll, after all. Because there's no way you could be serious. I'm cool with that. Making fun of people is just fun sometimes and the persona you've chosen is really fun to make fun of. What I'm wondering is where you got the crappy toy sketches you used to seed this thread.
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