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El Mamerro

12oz Original
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Posts posted by El Mamerro

  1. CGI and a retardedly huge budget is such a fucking copout. Anyone can make a visually appealing movie when they have pretty much unlimited funds.


    It's James fucking Cameron dude. The last time he made a bad movie was never.

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  2. Back in PR for the holidays.


    My best friend's getting married today. We got several rooms rented at the beachside hotel where the reception's at, celebrations are set to be pretty epic.


    Sunday will be spent nursing an imminent hangover at the beach in front of the hotel and eating ribs all day.

  3. I have a niece who is too awesome, and I'm at a loss of what to get her for Xmas. I don't ever wanna buy her a Barbie or some shitty baby doll (she already has like 10) , I usually get her more universal-type toys that a boy or a girl can enjoy, but I'm running out of ideas.

  4. actually gary north is what most would consider a 'crazy' christian. but in no way does this affect his economic and political outlook.


    C'mon son.





    Science should be funded by business AND government, but never just one of the two. Governments coerce, but business manipulates, unfairly influences, and deceptively persuades its way to obtain the same net results as coercion.


    A key thing to keep in mind is that government funded science is inherently much more open and accessible than privately funded science. Private industry can withhold the research behind its findings under the guise of protecting it's IP, but public science, and to a greater extent global science such as climate, is much more transparent and independently verifiable... so in essence you could say government science is more reliable than private science.

  5. I choose to persecute the man for his intentions, which are probably tied to religious beliefs (whatever they may be), and not his religious beliefs per se.


    The concept of peer review is yet another complicated science methodology that has been distilled into a simple, easy to digest soundbite whose power can then be discredited or exaggerated at will. It is just one of several components that maintain scientific integrity, it doesn't hold the final authoritative answer.


    In any case, mountains out of molehills. It has already been explained that thousands of independent reviews of the same papers and data have been carried out and the conclusions are the same. Dude is like "People have now had time to analyze the data and code as well as the emails"... that's right, and it's becoming increasingly clear that we're dealing with a severely manipulated non-issue.


    Also love the digs at Jones and Mann's career futures. How convenient he fails to mention the careers of some of the scientists who wrote the "suppressed" papers... they were fired long ago for how atrociously flawed their papers were.

  6. Yep, environmentalism, for the reasons I described earlier, inherently has a hard time integrating with the consumer market... so far, its only method of success has been to allow itself to be distorted in such a way that aligns with the short term consumer thinking that is encouraged and prevalent in today's market forces. It has had to become trendy, chic, and fashionable (aka: short-term favorable) in order for people to buy into it, and this often encourages choices made for the wrong reason. It's tough for environmentalism to lie down on the bed we've created through capitalism, its body shape is completely incompatible.


    AOD, I agree that privatizing garbage disposal could help quite a bit. I know of some cities that charge citizens per garbage bag disposed of, encouraging people to reduce waste, and although this is currently handled by the state, I think it could be an applicable model for private industry. Of course, this could also create a situation where disposal companies influence consumers, through their communications, to actually throw away more trash so they make a better profit.

  7. I'm pretty sure you were involved to some extent, and yeah, they probably turned up in the eugenics thread even though I didn't quite get involved in that one. But I'm pretty sure it was fermentor666, where he was just railing on MC being a sci-fi author with absolutely no credibility on the issue, and accusing him of severely impairing progress on the issue in order to sell more copies of State of Fear.

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