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Posts posted by Devilush

  1. hesh my boyfriend just bought one off of a friend for 10 bucks i think. in good condition. it matches his cinelli perfectly. with the colors of fire engine red and black. it's beautiful!

  2. i dunno where you live...but it would be hard to find a complete bike under 300 dollars overall. i found a complete road bike, my size (i'm a tiny woman) for 99 dollars. and he was willing to tune it up for like 30 days. but then again, he is a friend that works in a bike place. so i got the hookup. you can buy a frame and build it from there. but it would cost more than 300. i dunno what to tell you. hm, i'll go home and ask my man. he'll know. then i'll post something later.

  3. hesh you're too funny! http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'> let's keep this up there! okay i'm gonna ask you guys a question. my boyfriend was searching on the net and he found a frame, i'm not sure what frame it is. but i wanted to know if you could name it because the picture can't be displayed. so when i get home tonight, i'll post the link tonight. all help would be great....

  4. why oh why am i replying to this...but oh well here i go...


    i'm about 4'11 to 5'0 feet. i like to round up the height a bit. i'm a little shorty, and that's the truth. i have black hair, but in the sun it shows speckles of brown and auburn...past shoulder length, straight on good days. and layered a bit. i like to keep my hair down. but today is up in a ponytail. dark brown eyes. straight teeth, my momma's so proud of me...didn't need the braces nor the retainer. saved her money. i'm not gonna describe my breasts. i'm totally petite. light brown skin, i'm a filipino...if anyone cares about race. my boyfriend says that i have nice thighs and a nice ass. but that's my boyfriend, he can say that. but i do have an ass for an asian. and i also have a tat on my tailbone. wear lip gloss, sometimes lipstick. and eyliner everyday. it accentuates my almond shaped eyes. no more make up other than that.

    how i dress: usually i don't dress like a writer. i gave up the baggy clothes a long time ago. so right now i wear classy, no patterns. hoop earrings are everyday. my watch is one of those punk rocker thick banded watches made by guess. nails are sometimes done, french manicured done by myself. today i am wearing my white shirt that says d'lush in red letters under a bright red tight hoodie. 3/4 sleeve length. and black pants with boots. i love denim...dark denim. i wear it all the time. i love tank tops. and dresses and also skirts are a big plus for me, with shirts, nothing too flashy. i also wear glasses sometimes. they are the ones with turtoise shell color with the oval frame. i think i look dorky in them, but my boyfrriend prefers them on me, he says that i looks so sexy.

    on my down time, or when i bomb, or when i'm out biking, i wear my denim or wind breakers folded up or scrunched up with a tank top and old school shoes.

    i think that's it.

    the only person that has seen me on this forum is skotrel, and he's a real good friend of me and my boyfriend.

    "devilishly cute" roe, you're too cute!!! http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'>

    [This message has been edited by Devilush (edited 07-18-2001).]


    [This message has been edited by Devilush (edited 07-18-2001).]

  5. it's unanimous, my boyfriend it getting his wheels braided. oh no, more money down but i guess it's worth it. i think when he saw your bike he was wanted it ever since. i haven't been following the tour at all anymore. blah. hope you are doing well joker. it's a bitch. what's a bitch is that my track bike is at my mom's place and i really don't talk to her anymore. shit. it's all good, i have this cool ass univega single speed to keep me busy.

  6. last time i hear he was in 11th place. dude's got some balls for that shit. anyone who is doing that race as a matter of fact. that race is no fucking joke. right now, ever since we were riding all day on saturday, my arms are sore, my thighs are burning and my wrists from carrying that damn heavy ass univega (which we converted it to single speed which makes it a whole lot easier to ride for some unknown reason) up the damn stairs. my homeboy (skotrel) is getting a rossin white 55 cm frame fully set up for 600 bones. is such a sweet frame. he might add a white seat to make it pimpin style. which if you are reding this skotrel, you should.


    s: hey baby is your name hiroshima?

    d: no why?

    s: because you're the bomb


    all day was like that cracking jokes. ahhhh fun times with that guy!

  7. nah we're not going to the budapset thing. although, we might got to the yearly new york races, i think in august? not sure yet. but i know i'll be racing in the timbuk2 races here on the 4th of july. we might pull out the good ol tandem for that. racing on a tandem is always fun. oh, but fuck! oh that sounded not right. but someone bought the bike before i did. shit. but i'd have to go with the phil wood hubs, they are guaranteed for life.



    [This message has been edited by Devilush (edited 06-19-2001).]

  8. boxcarwilly....don't worry i'll look for her if she's ever out here. and i'll get her for ya...i can, i'm a girl. yea, i never got a pair of those arm warmers but, i hear that they are the best invention. about that tip for the spokes, yea i learned that the hard way too. but i only had to do that once and that was it! http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//smile.gif'> i think my boyfriend wants to go to the championships out in budapest. fuggin budapest, what the heck am i to do?

    * sorry to hear that you crashed joker. http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//frown.gif'>

  9. hesh...i feel ya. my boyfriend would do the same thing. if anyone gets in his way, they better get out fast or he's gonna run them over or just elbo them out of the way. he's spit on some guy before. he's beat up a bum before. uh, i dunno. but he would do the same exact thing.

    ha! hesh, is getting all the gravy tags! wonderful to make some money by busting your balls, eh?

  10. boxcarwilly....it was a girl that theifed them? oh no, she must have been desperate.

    hm, the weather is pretty nice out here. i feel ya on the bombing mission though. mine's completly girly looking so i can totally pull that off...which reminds me...hm, fury, i'm gonna have to email you back.

  11. Originally posted by IwearPinkShirts:

    all the bike messengers out here look like theyd be some punk ass graffiti bitches. too bad there is zero graffiti in denver and all of the actual work goes down in shitty ass boulder and boonie ass areas with cuts. i dont know a thing about bikes (kinda wish i did) but this was a good read. anyways, i still want my vespa.

    that's too bad pink shirt wearer! vespas are nice. i'm trying to save up for a used scooter. i'm not sure if it's gonna be a vespa. but i saw a red....something. i think honda elite used running for $300...now that's the shit. keep bumping this shit uuuup.

  12. yea the scene here is pretty tight. some guys thought that my boyfrriends bike was stolen (only 2 people in this whole city have that frame) and so they started to chase after the dude. come to realize that the dude really worked at a bike shop and got it specially ordered for him. but out here, the messengers look after one another. but if you fuck up with any of them (let's say like making fun of their girlfriend), they'll hold a grudge. and since most of the writers are messengers, they're all friends. i was wlaking to my bank (like i have money), but i saw a bunch of messengers just getting hot. and i stopped one of my friends and ask what the heck is up. he tells me that some kids ganked another one of their friends wheels and now is chasing him down. ahhhhh, sf.

  13. kidlugz....yup bikes are expensive. the track frames are expensive. it's unusual for shops to sell them with the components. usually, they just have the frame...sometimes with the head set. but yup, gotta expect the price of these bikes. you can always get a road frame and convert it though. mountain bikes are cheap. keep looking, you'll find a good deal soon. search around for a used bike or and unknown bike shop, they usually have dope bikes with components. tracks are not for the moneyless.

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