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Posts posted by Devilush

  1. okay i have a couple of things to say today in our secret society...


    first and foremost, i would like to say that it's too bad that me and soto (i think), are the only girls in this post that keep posting. i wish there were more.


    second, i love motorcycles. fuck. after we settle into this new place (in which if you guys are ever in the bay area, you are welcome to stay at), we're saving up for a sports bike. i dunno what he wants. it's been a YZF for a while now.


    third, fury it's about damn time. now call me up and we'll go for a cruise http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//wink.gif'>


    fourth, the movie fucking rocks the shit!


    fifth, i enjoy our little secret society


    sixth, kryptonite is in my back pocket.


    seventh, i hated that post with a passion. they don't have any kinda say until they get into our seats and take it from our perspeactive. fuck that. and for those who ride on the damn sidewalk, i hate you guys too. i'm a pedestrian other than a rider. you can seriously hurt someone on the sidewalk. getoff of it luke sidewalker. tyhe post was lame and him knowing that most of us are riders, he had a lot of balls.


    okay. that's it.




    [This message has been edited by Devilush (edited 08-28-2001).]

  2. Originally posted by boxcarwilly:

    moments up devilush, who is it....? a rider?

    a writer? argh suspense. someone else to do trains for?


    fellow bike messenger of my boyfriends who committed suicide.

  3. Originally posted by HESHIANDET:

    i dunno, i got no problems w/ it but im not riding in tour. i don't think i'd notice it if i shaved em......whats devilush's female opinion on boys w/ smooth legs?


    shaved legs, i have no problem with it what so ever. my boyfriend doesn't shave his legs. but i think that he should just in case if he scrubs pretty bad. for the majority, the riders out here have shaved legs. it's smooth, so you don't have to run into any hair. shaved, tan, muscular legs are sexy.

  4. kidlugs, i don't my boyfriend doesn't either, and he's a messenger (as if i haven't mentioned that a million times). but hte reason why i don't is because i don't ride all crazy and hardcore. he doesn't because it makes him look stupid.

  5. Originally posted by alkaline:

    I just won the bidding on an auction for a Bianchi Pista. Woohoo! I'm very excited.




    werd. i bet these guys are envious!

  6. gosh darn! this is 6 pages long of fixed gear riding freakazoids that get maddd hot! i like it. have you guys noticed that on ebay they have so many shit for track on sale? gosh darn those are a lot of pages. but i can't find anything my size. i think i want new cranks. actually i want a new seat post. i have no money. shit.

  7. okay joker....here i go spittin some knowledge...

    1.radio lace in front wheel is great. the idea with the back is crap. the fact that is really doesnt make sense and it won't make it stronger. go tradiational for the back.

    2.velocities on the phill wood are the best that you are going to get. you can beat them to death and you will still have a good wheel. just ask my boyfriend!

    3. bull horns. pursuit bars are cool, don't get aluminum, they'll snap right where the stem is. just ask my boyfriend! if you fina steel ones, call my boyfriend! hehehehe http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'>

    4. for the ratio, but the back cog up to a 17. it's still 3 to 1 but it's easier. you can still get up hills without any trouble, most of the time. and you won't spin out.

    5. go fixed.... http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'>


    hope this helps. me go to bed now. goodnight san francisco, the qween has left.

  8. Originally posted by kid furie:

    furie: im actually suprisingly ugly (devilush and secret can vouch for this). maybe if i was better looking and more of an asshole id get some play http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//frown.gif'>. skinny, short and just an all around pretty awkward kind-of-a guy. too lazy to flirt with the ladies and i wear thrift store clothes, boo-fuckin-hoo...


    kid furie...come one now...you aren't bad looking! don't be hard on yourself. and don't be an asshole for christ sake. you're a so super nice it's not even funny. it's great that you are a swell guy. just deal with what you got,which is all good, trust me. you so cute!!!

  9. yeaaaaa skotrel...broken toeclips. i rode to the post office yesterday and when i got there, all mike and two other bike messengers were all cheering for me because i actually made it thorugh the traffic in like 10 minutes.

  10. bmx?! awwwww come on...have you read the other posts? you can post something about bmx's and wait for responses but the majority is fixed gear. i dunno anything about bmx's. so i can't talk to you about that.

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