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FRATE RAPER interview by IDIOT

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IDIOT: ok, this is your big interview

IDIOT: do you like porno movies?

IDIOT: with fat chicks?

FRATE RAPER: only some...i like watching that fucked up shit with my friends so we can laugh

FRATE RAPER: ummmmm not fat no

IDIOT: have you ever stuck you dingaling in a donut?

FRATE RAPER: my girls dougnut yes

IDIOT: no, i mean a real donut

IDIOT: i have tried it, but every time i see the donut, i end up eating it, plus a few more]

FRATE RAPER: i would if you would eat it off

IDIOT: ok, i think you should talk about your sneakers at this point

FRATE RAPER: i got old converses their blue

FRATE RAPER: and they were 20 bucks

IDIOT: have you ever gone bombing with "Just For Men" spray-on hair?

FRATE RAPER: YEAH if you haven;t your not a writer SON

IDIOT: do you think pink is hott?

FRATE RAPER: i love the colour pink

IDIOT: what about the slut?

FRATE RAPER: sluts rock like kiss

FRATE RAPER: all night and every day

IDIOT: is it true that Canada has an olympic pancake-eating team?

IDIOT: how do i get down?

FRATE RAPER: you gotta send in footage of you eating arsins moms pancake nipples

IDIOT: send it to whom?


IDIOT: michael j fox?

FRATE RAPER: dan acrowwed(dp)

IDIOT: one time i peed in a cup, and drank it

IDIOT: i forgot it was pee 5 mins later, i thought it was OJ

FRATE RAPER: yo one time i peed on my floor in front of my mom

IDIOT: haha

FRATE RAPER: i'm serious

FRATE RAPER: i was puking in my grabage can at the time nakid

IDIOT: $$$$$$

FRATE RAPER: man it sucked

FRATE RAPER: she saw my cock while i was puking ans pissing

IDIOT: she did?


IDIOT: thats coool if your into it

FRATE RAPER: yeah i got so hard

IDIOT: does your mom like hip hop?

FRATE RAPER: not at all

IDIOT: not even Trick Daddy?

FRATE RAPER: shes like kid rock......SOUTHERN ROCK FO EVA



FRATE RAPER: trick daddy is dope man cause I'M A THUG

IDIOT: yes, i agree

IDIOT: what do you think about watching dogs pee?

IDIOT: is it okay?

FRATE RAPER: man i do it every day...i let out my dogs and watch them

IDIOT: or is it weird, in a sexual way

FRATE RAPER: the one gets like uncomfotable

FRATE RAPER: the other doesn't care

FRATE RAPER: It's so sexual



FRATE RAPER: my firend wants to start taking flicks of dogs shitting and like do that with his life

IDIOT: and how does "your friend"(you) plan on getting dogs to poop on command?

FRATE RAPER: no like just hanging out in parks and when they go to shit take a flick

IDIOT: while rubbing his(your) nipples?

FRATE RAPER: no while craming his fist in my asshole


IDIOT: one time dwel fisted me

IDIOT: it was cool, it brought us closer together

FRATE RAPER: doesn't he have sausage fingers>?

IDIOT: yes, he has a tender fist


IDIOT: that wraps up the interview

IDIOT: and closing comments?

FRATE RAPER: umm yeah sure.........rember that time you had on raver pants and your gut was haning out of your shirt????that was dope!!!

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