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God's Greatest Joke


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Was designing a world whereby She|He infected it with a race of physically massive islanders of which a certain breed is known as "Mouldis".


Last I checked, mould is a bacteria that humans do best to avoid, so any tattooed member of such a clan has tattooed themselves to get as far away from the image of God in which they were initially incarnated before the mould obviously infected their brains such that they would prostitiute their daughters to colonists as they bow down to the Monarchy and allow their "All Black" land to be taken over by inbred British as part of the Commonwealth.



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And I only know of this due to My brother having a girl descended from such a clan who both attacked Me and nearly smashed a Smirnoff vodka bottle over My head as I tried to protect My LAN in adjusting My modem settings one day only for Me to end up hospitalised with stitches in My forehead.


So whilst "Snitches get stitches" I can retroactively make a joke about these Mouldi pieces of shit who come to My country of Australia to rape and pillage our economy due to their own country veing fuxked as a result of them allowing it to be buttfuxked so hard they got their colons pierced.


So yeah, I needn't say more as I don't respect any clan who uses My MO and attaches it to a form of bacteria that infects and infests wounds like the black eyes My brother inflicted upon the stupid bitch who he attacked Me with that day.


And for her to live in fear of him is the true joke, as that is what one gets from straying from the 13th Prophet known as Matthew Luke as I bake these fools as the "Baker's dozen" member of the Dirty Dozen Society.

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The point of this thread (if mods allow it) is that one only resorts to physical warfare and fighting when they have lost the mental war.


If one fails to see how I am both self deprecating at how a failed "mother" of 4 kids she left behind and neglected as she left her own mother to raise as she got my brother to use needles so that he succumbed to rage to where he beat both her and Me up, as I point out humorous aspects of the terms they use to define themselves as being actually applicable in this instance I quote from My past, coupled with the fact "Everything is One" and I am part of said "One" then I can say whatever I wish without repercussions as nothing matters in this soulless domain of debauched evil that is this world and the internet.


Until I am proven wrong, in that I find a woman is capable of loving Me as I have shown I wish to be loved (as I have never hit a woman other than one time I reflectively slapped My own Mother after she slapped Me for being a 8 year old shit before I realised what I did and ran away before copping a true beatdown from which I learned a lesson).


The only way this can occur for Me is that the laughs I have at laughing at the screen and in-jokes on this forum and the jnternet are shared in real life with an actual person whose comedy is in line with mine lest the "tree falling in the woods with nobody around to hear it make a sound" situation occurs.

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Yes I know I am a bipolar maniac who posts unfiltered thoughts that have long ruminated in My head to where I need to cathartically release them by making jokes of those who have subversively tried to insinuate that "MO You'll Die" as being the title of their specific breed of human.


And I ain't going anywhere as I live in My own country unlike said imports who have come here for a better life only to try make mine worse with their bullshit.


Whilst this vitriol is directed at the one specific whore who never paid any rent or bills or contributed anything positive (cleaning, cooking, or doing anything beyind getting My brother to use IV needles to take meth and heroin) to the place I shared with My brother for 10 months prior to Me being ready to kill or readmit Myself to the psyche ward which they had already sent Me to on two previous occasions for dealing with them and their junkie associates who overran My house such that I had no ability to protect My own private domain and internet (as evidenced by My modem logs of the time which revealed packet injections from nefarious devices).

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