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Upon Death….


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So I was having a conversation at work today, and I came up with the thought of how when I reconnect with the Divine Creator, call it God or whatever, that the conversation is going to be rather humorous as I will ask what the fuck was going on when He decided to pose as a parasitic moralless meth needle using junkie, who inbetween bouts of literally circling the drain in the bathroom sink (which I think this idiot I previously lived with was trying to put his dick into to try fuck) every 3 hours would scour Grindr to find guys to fuck, one of which I walked into the lounge one morning to go to the kitchen fridge to get my morning muffin for breakfast to be greeted by some white foriegn dog that these two Men were fucking and who knows what else?


Whilst I can view this as a comedic insight into the opposite of “Me”, as I literally viewed “The Devil incarnate” whose journey into the depths of moralless sickening depravity and what happens when a child molester whose daughters have disowned him for obvious reasons can sink to, I really have to wonder what the purpose of this was?


Whilst I’m all for people trying to do what makes them happy, those who have zero consideration for others which would see them leave massive logs and used needles in the toilet as they walk around the house assless and pantless carrying an axe in the middle of the night during their paranoid schizophrenic delusions, I think one has to draw the line somewhere.


Given this happened extraneous of Me as I was the passive witness, I am grateful for knowing that I exist as the contrary to such fucktardedness and while I can appreciate the sacrifice made by showing Me the depths of what lows the human creature can sink to, I understand My decision to refrain from birthing a child into a world occupied by these molesting junkie freaks was the correct one.

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Feel free to post stories of truly “WTF?” instances you would enjoy asking what the motivation for having you endure living through truly was.


That is the purpose of this thread. To reinstate some semblance of moral fabric into this reality lest it all go to Hell. This is only achievable via addressing the issue and those responsible for the slide into a debauched Hellscape in which there exists no lines of what is right or wrong in regards to having zero consideration foe anyone else but yourself and your own desire to satiate your fucked up lustful desires as was the case with the reprobate fucking cunt and his degenerate gambler boyfriends I describe above.

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After posting the above, I now understand the purpose of Me having witnessed and experienced such a horrific scene as described in the OP.  A scene which has mentally scarred Me more than seeing a fatal motorbike accident which had happened when I drove past as a passenger in My Mum’s car when I was 8 or so.


It is because it provided Me an insight into what will happen to Me if I fuck up and forget what is truly important in life when it comes to life, love, sex and relationships, as well as giving meaning and purpose to My own existence.


As I saw someone whose lack of control in every aspect of life, including that of their ego, at the stage of realising they had nothing left to lose except Me continuing to play a role in helping prevent the inevitable loss of support I provided that delayed this guy losing his house, the equity he spent a lifetime working to build and the pets and drug habits he will no longer be able to afford.


All this because of his ego and belief the world owed him everything prior to him clearing his mortgage and credit card debts with the bank, whilst I, an experienced Banker and Mortgage Broker, offered My financial expertise to assist him in every way possible, as I took him to a financial counsellor that showed him that without My help he was “in the red” by $100 a week (coincidently what his cigarettes and pet’s food cost him a week) without Me there to pay for the room I was staying in, with all I expect in return was gratitude and respect (which as you can tell was not afforded to Me).


So the positive aspect and reason I got to witness what I saw that day was to show Me how one’s ego sees them lose their family, their job, their house, their money, their pets, and their life’s purpose given that it was built upon nothing but ego, lies, sin, drugs and self deception.


Hopefully this post helps others who may have witnessed horrific scenes and have underlying PTSD or trauma can see and learn from just these posts made in a matter of hours from each other, have helped Me cathartically exorcise whatever full moon induced demonic energy which may have haunted Me for the rest of My life had I not fearlessly shared My initial sentiments in the OP.


While I know My walls of text intimidates some people, all I can say to this is that you can’t build a castle where your mind resides, without building the walls first. And understand I write to help (and hopefully entertain) those on this board, along with “future Mauler”  with My tales of having been to Hell and back.

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