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Scene? you gotta be joking right? You really think indiana has a scene? Most of the things you just posted belong in an art gallery if they were well done. This thread has 150 pages, and you have the guts to say indy has a scene. At one point maybe but not now. Dont make me look like the bad cause im not. Believe me i wanna stay out of indiana! I just wanna see whats new from time to time, the only problem is i keep seening the same out of town pieces or the same fucking legal walls. Im not hating on anyone i'm just upset. Oh by the way that kavis thing is pretty cool, as far as the trains some of those are waste of paint and panels. Yes yes i could have done better if youre wondering. Well Thanks for the flicks keep posting them and ill let you know what i think.

Yours truely


<3 :)

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the scene aint great, everyone knows, but its what we got, get over it.

and none of those were legal go bitch in some other thread or post pics, you talking up the thread isnt helping your case either. and idk about naptown heads but i dont even flick my shit in my town, shits too hot. you dont know dude

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and seriously dude? 10 out of all 13 of your posts are trollin the indy thread

find something better to do :L

Yo.. While I don't agree 100% with everything "americahostage" says... He makes strong points about the Indy scene. While self promo gains you internet fame, it drops your credibility that you are actually putting in real work. If it were the case others would be posting your stuff for you. Dude doesn't need to post on here because he is in fact doing something (and has been.) If you think the scene is stupid as well then put in enough work to complain about it, give people a reason to listen to what you have to say. However using the excuse "It's what you have" is over played, make it into something, do it right and other will follow.




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You really took the time to look me up? Woah that kinda crazy, Look guy it is what it is im not gonna sit here and go toe to toe with you cause it's a waste of both of our times. i dont post flicks and rarely opinions so i'll leave it at that. Like i said this thread really sucks, people dont paint and that's it. Im sorry your town is too hot that you can't take flick your own shit sonunds really stupid if you ask me.

The post i made was in general not for one specific writer, you just happen to quickly jump the gun like i know you.

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Oh even better, you take photos...... well peter parker do me a favor, stick to taking photos in your small butt fuck town somewhere in indiana and ill do what i do. You see youre one of the perfect examples ( someone who doesn't even write with a opinion ) It's like me getting on some canon or nikon thread trying to school you or even talking to like i knew what's up. ( which i do ) i have a nice canon rebel xs. I really don't mean to be disrespecful but since you don't write youre not on my level so don't talk to me. Like i said before the post i made was made in general not for one specific WRITER, something that you're not........

This is the most action the indy thread has seen in awhile.

Makesure you flick my panels if you see them tho,

Yours truely.

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Here is what i have to say about "self promo"

I totally understand and agree with the point so often made: Doing a few really nice and thought out pieces in a safe-ass spot or even a legal wall and then flicking the things yourself and posting them online is kind of "cheating" in a way. Its a rather cheap way of gaining internet fame, having people see your stuff, and making yourself feel better. Its also a way of completely bypassing the hardcore effort aspect, i.e. the going out and painting everyday, the legal risk, basically the putting in time etc. which is what deserves the real respect in my opinion.


HOWEVER, What about people who live in a town where no one else really does it? they don't have other writers that will ever pass by and flick their shit or call them and give em props. Sure people around town will see it, and thats great, but they wouldn't get feedback from someone who understands graf, someone who's opinion is really valuable. THOSE people i believe have to "self promote." because to them its a tool. It is how they get a reaction from other writers. Its how they know if what they're doing is worth it. Maybe they're completely whack and need someone to tell them. Maybe they need some props from a writer who knows a thing or two to inspire them to keep writing. Hell, enough props may inspire them to move to a different town, or switch from walls to freights. people want to know how their shit affects others.


so I say self promo has a purpose and a place, but I agree that many don't know what its purpose or place is and therefore they abuse it.

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"lmao look you up? try the "veiw users posts" button next to your name. and my town is a little too small to be postin flick up and down, once again, you dont know. and about the self promo, i dont even write im a photographer."


lulz then why did you say you won't post pictures of "YOUR" shit in your heated-ass small town?


smooth one

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Btw... I need some feedback on my boys shit i posted a couple pages back. Be honest... MY feelings wont be hurt


I thought that shit was nice man. I did feel like the P didnt really fit into the rest of the "font" i guess you could call it. but yea it looks awesome, props specially cuz of that crazy wall. the surface looks far from perfect for painting. tell epek to keep it up.

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