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so if anyone in here can get ahold of me and let me know whats up with this... that'd be awesome...


im trying to get ahold of his mom right now but i can't find her number...


someone let me or bely know.

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I have been so unsure of how I would begin to say anything about andrew...being that I was completely certain he would be doing this for me...there is no way that the world makes any kind of sense if a genuine and great soul like his leaves this world cold and ugly before I do...so as certain as I am that he would, I will do my best to speak about my best friend....



I know of not a single person whether they knew him or not, that could say a negative word about him...he had this great way of making you feel comfortable in the presence of such an amazing talent as he truly was...at the same time, if you were immersed in your own ego he had just the right words, sound and even looks that put you exactly where you should be...and he was really really good at deflecting compliments...such a really selfless person....it didn’t dawn on me exactly how much time we had spent together until I found out he had left us...when the flashes like movie reels of the times we had spent together attacked my heart like a thousand storms flooding me with a despair I will feel for the remainder of my life...some have made me laugh...he had the sharpest wit I have ever encountered along with knowing facts you would never expect, it became a combination as deadly as his physical strength which I can serve as an eye witness is insanely devastating....really though we have video evidence...and there I go again...i do not want to accept that he isnt here...i look at his house every day...i have for over twenty years and still...still I think im going to see him walking from his bad ass car to the door...i still wait to wave at him...i mean, something like eight or so hours a day for what like four solid years just he and i...telling jokes, making funny stories...general talk about life that he had the greatest eye for...i miss him so much...so much it physically hurts me...i wish any of you could just have five minutes of any of the time that I was and am still very proud to have with this person that completely changed and truly saved my life...i along with many many people can truly say that we wouldn’t be who we are without him...i know that I havent nor will I ever be the same without him....he loved his family so dearly and I feel lucky to have been a part of their lives as well...i cant imagine another human being that will not only make the mark on the world that he has, but make that same or even greater impact on people in the way that he so easily did...for me at least, when a great artist is gone it really hits me that there will never be another creation by this person again...all we have is what they have left us with...so instead of pondering the great things that could have been, we should celebrate what they have done for us and what the leave for us to further...luckily for all of us he has left us with so much to see and so much to be happy about...i know at least for myself that I have enough in my broken heart to last until I hopefully meet him wherever we may go after this...understand though, he hasn’t really left any of us...i can hear his voice in my head when im painting always...”don’t half ass it today ok?”...his close friends will understand that...along with “that spot isnt bloat accessible”...andrew, everything is bloat accessible...the world is and has been yours...i love you so much....so so so much...i don’t have you next to me any longer but you will be with me forever...even if im only a fraction of what you would call worthy without you...you have saved my life...you have changed the world...and I will chase your spirit until I meet you again...and when I do my friend, there wont be any time to worry about, there wont be anywhere we need to go...and we can have a million more days like the ones that I hold so dearly and closely to my heart...i love you buddy....




Belyoe....ase...a4y..hcm....best friend for life...



P.s...see you soon.

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I have been so unsure of how I would begin to say anything about andrew...being that I was completely certain he would be doing this for me...there is no way that the world makes any kind of sense if a genuine and great soul like his leaves this world cold and ugly before I do...so as certain as I am that he would, I will do my best to speak about my best friend....



I know of not a single person whether they knew him or not, that could say a negative word about him...he had this great way of making you feel comfortable in the presence of such an amazing talent as he truly was...at the same time, if you were immersed in your own ego he had just the right words, sound and even looks that put you exactly where you should be...and he was really really good at deflecting compliments...such a really selfless person....it didn’t dawn on me exactly how much time we had spent together until I found out he had left us...when the flashes like movie reels of the times we had spent together attacked my heart like a thousand storms flooding me with a despair I will feel for the remainder of my life...some have made me laugh...he had the sharpest wit I have ever encountered along with knowing facts you would never expect, it became a combination as deadly as his physical strength which I can serve as an eye witness is insanely devastating....really though we have video evidence...and there I go again...i do not want to accept that he isnt here...i look at his house every day...i have for over twenty years and still...still I think im going to see him walking from his bad ass car to the door...i still wait to wave at him...i mean, something like eight or so hours a day for what like four solid years just he and i...telling jokes, making funny stories...general talk about life that he had the greatest eye for...i miss him so much...so much it physically hurts me...i wish any of you could just have five minutes of any of the time that I was and am still very proud to have with this person that completely changed and truly saved my life...i along with many many people can truly say that we wouldn’t be who we are without him...i know that I havent nor will I ever be the same without him....he loved his family so dearly and I feel lucky to have been a part of their lives as well...i cant imagine another human being that will not only make the mark on the world that he has, but make that same or even greater impact on people in the way that he so easily did...for me at least, when a great artist is gone it really hits me that there will never be another creation by this person again...all we have is what they have left us with...so instead of pondering the great things that could have been, we should celebrate what they have done for us and what the leave for us to further...luckily for all of us he has left us with so much to see and so much to be happy about...i know at least for myself that I have enough in my broken heart to last until I hopefully meet him wherever we may go after this...understand though, he hasn’t really left any of us...i can hear his voice in my head when im painting always...”don’t half ass it today ok?”...his close friends will understand that...along with “that spot isnt bloat accessible”...andrew, everything is bloat accessible...the world is and has been yours...i love you so much....so so so much...i don’t have you next to me any longer but you will be with me forever...even if im only a fraction of what you would call worthy without you...you have saved my life...you have changed the world...and I will chase your spirit until I meet you again...and when I do my friend, there wont be any time to worry about, there wont be anywhere we need to go...and we can have a million more days like the ones that I hold so dearly and closely to my heart...i love you buddy....




Belyoe....ase...a4y..hcm....best friend for life...



P.s...see you soon.

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well, no ASE brothers contacted me to let me know about the passing of andrew. i was actually told by someone who knew this for a week or so, yet didnt feel it was their place to tell me. and im very grateful that they did.


andrew, where to start. bely basically said everything i coulda said, even though he was closer to andrew than i ever was. but in the short time i did know him, he had a positive influence in my life. he was never one to back down from beef, at any time. but he always had a joke about whatever the situation was about. andrew will be truly missed, by not only me, but those he came in contact with. its been years since i last saw andrew, i lost contact with most of ASE when i moved east, but as much as it hurt to be away from the friends i considered family, the time in which i left was the most appropriate in my life. it was really only a matter of time before i ended up back in jail, or dead. life will never be the same without andrew around to cheer up people he considered friends. i met andrew and bely when i was going through some of the darkest times in my life, and they both some how managed to keep me sane enough to wanna wake up daily. and i never got a chance to thank andrew for being there to make me laugh when i was at my most depressed. i still have some of the messages he left on my answering machine, the shit still makes me laugh. so i want to say thank you for coming into my life, even if it was for only 2 or so years. those days, were some of the best days ive ever had.


bawwrrrrr. rest in peace andrew. i love you guy. you will be missed more than you could imagine. im going to get one of andrews alligators tattooed on my hand in tribute.


arthur lustig




ps: bely, rgue, grits, etc. hit me up, i miss you dudes

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this week had been one of extra hard binging for me...


there are a few thoughts that keep popping in my head.


1. me andrew and bely doing the lust voice on camera in his car for like 30 minutes.


2. the phrase "bloat accessible" that bely already mentioned.


3. the bloat tours. sometimes all the way out to richmond for one spot.


4. a 6am phone call saying i wasn't ase unless he filmed me painting a freeway as the sun was coming up.


5. 6 am phone calls in general.


6. him walking into my house sometime in the ridiculously late night and starting a convo. without bringing up the fact that he just walked into my room without even knocking or telling me he was coming over.


7. listening to nave voicemails with him.



and also him saving my life after lust wanted to kill me for fucking the virgin... that's my favorite. everytime he told me to do something and i balked he would bring up him saving my life. fuck.... i still make bely tell the story.


i wouldn't be even close to the same person without him. and there is so much that he told me that i still carry to this day. we could all stand to be a little bit more like andrew.



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