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according to lower class America yes it is.

The rich keep the rich, rich. And the poor stay the same way. Always looking for a hand out and help (not even a reference to Kool Herc, just people in general) that's why I'm glad Kentucky makes people on welfare and food stamps pass drug tests to get their shit.


But on another note. I wish augor and pose woulda done more than one piece coming through, woulda been nice to see the homies go crazy like shock and paid


so you are rich? i dont get it?


read what you just typed, you sound like a complete fucking asshole.


shock and paid put in more work here and nationwide than those 2 msk dudes combined. and they do it without a spraypaint sponsor. kids need to start looking up to certain writers for the right reasons.

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Never even implied I was rich. I'm a middle class citizen. And when I meant poor I meant destitute and homeless/jobless. If you want government assisstance you should be able to obtain it by going through the proper channels and get help. Not have fucking 6 kids and don't even get a GED or anything to show for themselves and act like someone owes you something. That shits weak. I wasn't trying to come off as an asshole. But I know that if an honest person comes upon hard times they should be helped out. But someone who doesnt help themselves or their family out and expects to e supported their whole lives by a check on the 1st and 15th is the travesty.


Idk where you think I was being an asshole, but I sure hope that clarifies it

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Never even implied I was rich. I'm a middle class citizen. And when I meant poor I meant destitute and homeless/jobless. If you want government assisstance you should be able to obtain it by going through the proper channels and get help. Not have fucking 6 kids and don't even get a GED or anything to show for themselves and act like someone owes you something. That shits weak. I wasn't trying to come off as an asshole. But I know that if an honest person comes upon hard times they should be helped out. But someone who doesnt help themselves or their family out and expects to e supported their whole lives by a check on the 1st and 15th is the travesty.


Idk where you think I was being an asshole, but I sure hope that clarifies it


The truth.

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Never even implied I was rich. I'm a middle class citizen. And when I meant poor I meant destitute and homeless/jobless. If you want government assisstance you should be able to obtain it by going through the proper channels and get help. Not have fucking 6 kids and don't even get a GED or anything to show for themselves and act like someone owes you something. That shits weak. I wasn't trying to come off as an asshole. But I know that if an honest person comes upon hard times they should be helped out. But someone who doesnt help themselves or their family out and expects to e supported their whole lives by a check on the 1st and 15th is the travesty.


Idk where you think I was being an asshole, but I sure hope that clarifies it


well then we can agree whoever is asking for hand outs for medical bills on 12oz is a faggot.

i've never understood why people buy into and actually give money to people in situations like this.

you can make payments as low as 20 dollars a month for as long as it takes. or just not pay them, if you choose to live a credit-less life, like myself. he's already had the operation. he's alive...


anyway, flixxx...

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Just a thought-Think befor u speak.


MOTHER FUCKER! How did I kno SOMEONE on the nola thread wud have something to say about a fuckin request. I didn't blow up a spot, give any writers away. The pics I'm askin for were literally on the old fuckin thread. What's the problem with asking for throw back pics that y'all posted in the first place? I'm sorry for bein drove but what did I do wrong? I have nothin but love for Nolas writers. Them old school pieces are what inspired me to start up back in the day. I just wana reminiss for a Lil sec. But real shit what I do wrong bc I honestly didn't catch it and I don't wanna put ne1 on blast like that.

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Nahh fuck that I just bumped all the writers from back in the day and asked for a moment of respect for them niggas and I NEED TO CHECK MYSELF?! If anyone has any of those writers old work post em bc they all go hard in the paint!!!!! I remember bein 8yrs old Staring at a BEST piece and not bein able to comprehend how anyone could do that with spray paint. Havin a 2 toned thick blue AND green outline perfectly fading into it's self. Niggaaa.. Haha them fills were fuckin insane. Perfect letter structure. A Lil nigga bein signed over right there bc of 1 piece son! I couldn't wrap my mind around the process of taggin tht shit and not gettin caught at the same time. Then I started carvin my name in the desk hahaaa.

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Nahh fuck that I just bumped all the writers from back in the day and asked for a moment of respect for them niggas and I NEED TO CHECK MYSELF?! If anyone has any of those writers old work post em bc they all go hard in the paint!!!!! I remember bein 8yrs old Staring at a BEST piece and not bein able to comprehend how anyone could do that with spray paint. Havin a 2 toned thick blue AND green outline perfectly fading into it's self. Niggaaa.. Haha them fills were fuckin insane. Perfect letter structure. A Lil nigga bein signed over right there bc of 1 piece son! I couldn't wrap my mind around the process of taggin tht shit and not gettin caught at the same time. Then I started carvin my name in the desk hahaaa.




Best still does his thing. Hes just not living in Nola anymore.

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