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strictly B R O O K L Y N


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well i fail to see that


I always fail to see that trash. I give the kid props tho, he did a lot of spots in a pretty small amount of time. Still, how hard is it to keep your O from looking like a fucking V, or even maybe doing all FOUR letters of your tag..laziness in it's prime

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never herd of em


that's prolly because you never leave the boulevard

expand your locations and your ecosystem papo






go back to brick slayers and see exactly what thread you clicked on before your quoted the dodgers flick.. strictly B R O O K L Y N..i live in queens and I rep it to the death, but Brooklyn writers have gone hard too, and face it if the dodgers were still a team you'd probably make your way over to Ebbets stadium more often then to a shitty Met's game in flush, if you even watch any baseball to begin with...

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