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did p hurt your feelings in the past you are coming off as if he did.


dudes get angry on here because p tells it like it is why sugar coat what you have to say? to spare a toys feelings?.. trust me alot of the shit that post has to say me and many other writers that have been around for a while are thinking .. me personally i just dont have the energy to argue with some kid that doesnt understand and never really will .. all the other ill writers that lurk on here quietly just call each other or pm each other to talk about alot of the toy fuckery going on they dont express there opinions on the forum because they will get drowned out by toys defending each other making up fake names and so on..post on the other hand says everything we are thinking out loud when we see alot of this toy shit and he doesnt hold his tounge i guess the truth really does hurt .. YOU WANT THE TRUTH YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.:lol:



Feelings weren't hurt,I just guess i like quiet dudes (no homo). Cockiness doesn't get u far in life. People like humble dudes and he is not one. No dis towards p. I'm just giving my two cents on what i have observed in last 5000 pages, thats all. Love ur graff though, very clever and clean. Staay up Poster

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chill i mean the dude is entitled to an opinion and his anonimity, but i mean cmon this aint the concourse bro, its a online forum full of toys at graffities lowest.


if youre guna complain i hope your contributing to make it better. If not id rather see kids on here posting something with good intent.


You might not like minuses pieces, but hes piecing, hes consistent, hes grown as a writer. Theres alot of other kids posting alot of straight bullshit on here that i think is way more offensive than minuses shit.


your correct there are far worst but they are being told that they suck no one is telling this dude that he sucks when they should be i see a big circle jerk on this forum with him and his friends in the last few pages and i just dont see the hype and i have never heard of him or his crew like you said factory its my opinion and i am entitled to it and i am pretty sure others share my opinion but wont say anything about it and like i said all of his internet graff buddy's will come to the rescue and all of them are basicly toys themselves more people need to tell toys about themselves or that they need to improve instead of just letting them think they are hot shit it will motivate them to keep working on there style motivate them to get up more instead of putting up there own pics online thinking they are some sort of style king when they clearly are not as for me posting my work you said it best i like my anonimity but ive seen various people on this forum if i am not mistaken you included put pictures of my work up on many occasions i am done with this conversation as i stated in the beginning if you are getting up and your stuff is fresh others will post your work you wont have to and that was one of my main points

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Feelings weren't hurt,I just guess i like quiet dudes (no homo). Cockiness doesn't get u far in life. People like humble dudes and he is not one. No dis towards p. I'm just giving my two cents on what i have observed in last 5000 pages, thats all. Love ur graff though, very clever and clean. Staay up Poster


post is actually a very cool individual and anyone that knows him can tell you this.. but when you get on a website like this and toys are running around like chickens with there heads chopped off what do you expect from a dude. you have a toy like yk telling post what his style or anyones should look like ..jesus christ just kill me now .post speaks his mind on these type situations. and niggas get tight. when the propane campane is gone for more then a month the same cats dissin him now are biggin him up waiting on his return etc its corny what kind of gay shit is this . p expresses how he feels on here and that shit should be appreciated in this toy jungle. there arent many writers like p left and he has influenced and birth alot of you kids flows . the problem is that alot of you feel you know the dude threw his 12oz online persona you might know some of his beliefs on this graff shit and thats about it and that makes alot of niggas talk shit at the same time alot of writers love what he has to say . im pretty sure "vfr" or "giz" "ja" "trake" "mate" "dolt" i can go on any of these writers have the same exact opinion but they are not up here voicing them so alot of you dudes dont get to see there beliefs you just see pictures of there work and suck shit. if they was on here callin out toys alot of niggas would hate on them .it would be the same exact thing that goes on with post if he wasnt on here talkin his talk cats would just sit here post pics of his shit and suck mad dick with out talking crazy. man.. logging in to 12oz for a few minutes just reminds me of why i dont log in as often any more

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ok we get it.


that kool herc shit is bugged. more than 10 g's,o what, 15, 20? where the fuck are russell simmons, kanye west, jay-z? not that it should be someones obligation, but you'd think one of these dudes who's all caked up off that hip hop shit would find it possible to step up. if not off the strength of being a good human being, it'd be fucking great PR.

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