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Queens is the gayest borough ever, corny graff writers, corny bitches, wackest clubs, only herb russians and italians and butt niggas except jamaica.. fuck queens so heavy


you must be fucking stupid...QNZ aint pussy and the bitches go to northern and tell me colombian bitches aint bad...idk what part of qnz you walking around ma mans but on my side niggas would hit you in the head with a bat quick!

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The thing is, he's getting what he wants. Look at all of us yabbering about how wack BNE is. We still all know who he is and what he's doing. We follow his every move because we don't like what he's doing. Fuck dude, i went to his art show (I just went because i was hoping some shit was gonna go down, i swear :D ). But really, he's getting what he wants and there isnt much we can do about it.


Sure, we all know he's a bitch corporate sellout, but sadly, i wish i didn't know of him or anything about him.


I'm just trying to understand all these complaints about BNE? Can you name what corporations he is working for? Can you tell us why Cost and Revs aren't looked down on for all those posters and stickers they put up in the 90s?


I know the bulk of what you see in NYC by Benet is his stickers but I'm hoping before campaigning against him you did your homework into his history and what he has done.

I don't know the guy and I really don't care either way I'm just really curious why there is so much hate against the guy here.

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