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yeah, but for the last ten years there hasnt been much to look at but throws... so that goes for... all the kids who were born in 1990... and ect... they got to see the left overs of the buff from people born in the 80's started writing in the mid 90s?... the buff has been an evolving as much as this(graffiti culture) and they run concurrent considering the relationship that CLEARLY exisits... so for those stylish throws and tags... toys cant even stare at it long enough to grasp the concept... style... there are many ny style writers out there... just not as live as 95!('cause it's not.) the man has been hip for a while now. so for the whole nyc is dead this and that... this is the birth of style... people come here to flex style... to make names...


well said

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i agree, kids have all the time in the world to sit and look at graff on the internet and analyze and take it apart for hours.

The way i feel is that alot of kids do not have the mental capacity to do such.


We live in a society purposefully geared towards constant instant gratification and stimulation.

I feel like the generations following ours will be increasingly underdeveloped mentally, at;east in america.

Also without some context all the flicks in the world dont really mean shit.



Well said Factory_Made, on all levels this generation of kids are lacking tremendously.

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i agree, kids have all the time in the world to sit and look at graff on the internet and analyze and take it apart for hours.

The way i feel is that alot of kids do not have the mental capacity to do such.


We live in a society purposefully geared towards constant instant gratification and stimulation.

I feel like the generations following ours will be increasingly underdeveloped mentally, at;east in america.

Also without some context all the flicks in the world dont really mean shit.


ahhh thats where you are wrong, the younger generation gets hipper by the youth... proven science of human development... lil kids and their new time zone from bilingual brainwashing, to girls hitting periods earlier and development of their bodies, even kids first sexual in counters. Even the comfort zone with reflex curse words around piers, like when you used to say fuck it was to used to be bad, not its just used, the when the word shit got accepted to on tv, and that brought down the censorship level down a notch...


context is also a problem, people think these kids did these things with such goals in mind... and its like no, it was just something you did before college and thats when you should have stopped... kids were just having fun, this is all based on something that means nothing... the history of american graffiti and a few other strong books state that this was the only art form created by teens and young kids. and for most it was just socail clubs to party with bitches... and some point in nyc... there was a generation that started the whole you are on your own when it comes to learning and developing style, only a few kids out there come out strong with their own... for me all i need is a date for the picture... thats enough, cause if you know about your time lines and events you know what those people were around...



its just the best way to become famous in nyc... and i think we all follow this someone considering now that we see where this lifestyle has gotten people in the media...


step one, do graffiti to get your name out there... no matter style... (use the free media exsposure from the culture...) more credit than and less talking than going through the art channels.


step two, get some paper, make mad art at home,


step 3! get a gallery and score some high paying sales and design jobs... 'cause thats where most of us end up if this shit does take it to some where decent... but for writers out there, theres only a few being paid to write their name... otheres work for mtv, graphic designs...



society has taken a new place and is now getting to the point of getting older... people talk about cell phones and other things the public uses for this, and its not really the problem, theres more police... much much more, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_Police_Department


read more, the problem in this culture is the people who dwell... all these ot talking shit like things arent like they used to... they NEVER WERE FOR ANY generations... so please... keeeeep it moving...


many factors to put together,but mental capacity... has exceeded us in the new generations... like EVERYTHING ELSE ...

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i've seen some of adek's other shit - lewy i'm not at all sure about - but i indeed do know that what adek usually has rocking doesn't speak on his abilities as a whole. if anything the uniqueness of the style in new york is more of a symbol of Adek thus he may uses it like that.


what i mean is that when most new dudes try to copy the stuff they see riding nowadays (particularly, Adek's and Lewy's signature throwups), it indeed can become of their full potential when it comes to style, because they see no reason to develop it any further because that's how they see some of the most of the up dudes' shit, their influences, as being, and see it as an overall acceptable way of carrying themselves. not knowing that Adek (and possibly lewy) just prefer to do their shit like that when they indeed have the ability to do a lot better.


to summarize: they probably could do it, but you're not seeing more than what there is to be seen.


yeah thats media war fare... we are making our own adds to get us attention to something we can ither most likely sell or work for...

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