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the broken window theory


One of the catchphrases that characterized former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s administration was his “broken window” theory of government. The “broken window” theory held that an unfixed broken window in a building gives a city block the appearance of decay and disrepair, and thus encourages the congregation of lawless individuals, who see the physical deterioration as a sign that their shady activities will go unnoticed. Once the criminal element is established on a block or in a neighborhood, law-abiding citizens start avoiding the area, leaving it to the miscreants and loiterers, and eventually the pestilence spreads outward into otherwise “healthy” blocks

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the broken window theory


One of the catchphrases that characterized former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s administration was his “broken window” theory of government. The “broken window” theory held that an unfixed broken window in a building gives a city block the appearance of decay and disrepair, and thus encourages the congregation of lawless individuals, who see the physical deterioration as a sign that their shady activities will go unnoticed. Once the criminal element is established on a block or in a neighborhood, law-abiding citizens start avoiding the area, leaving it to the miscreants and loiterers, and eventually the pestilence spreads outward into otherwise “healthy” blocks




anyone who writes graffiti knows that this is 100% true.



if you are on a hot block with paint, you tag shit thats already been hit so you wont stand out walking alone on a desolate block


when you are on probation but still write your name, you only do it in spots other people are taggin, so it wont get called in


its like how these toys do fillins over pieces that have a sharpi tag over them, rather than finding a new spot to paint.



the broken window theory is actually a broken window principal. arguing against it makes for a cool paper for your art school requirements. but anyone with a functioning melon can gut the broken window theory and twist a blunt of career criminal understanding out of your thesis. real criminals always opt for eluding authority before worrying about dismantling societal norms. the broken window theory is real. thats why the only people that paint clean trains are eurotrash on vacation. because the rest of us live by the broken window theory. understanding is an essential stop on the way to overstanding. so im not sayin, im just saying.

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anyone who writes graffiti knows that this is 100% true.



if you are on a hot block with paint, you tag shit thats already been hit so you wont stand out walking alone on a desolate block


when you are on probation but still write your name, you only do it in spots other people are taggin, so it wont get called in


its like how these toys do fillins over pieces that have a sharpi tag over them, rather than finding a new spot to paint.



the broken window theory is actually a broken window principal. it makes for a cool paper for your art school requirements. but anyone with a functioning melon can gut the broken window theory and twist a blunt of career criminal understanding out of your thesis,


word word speaking of blackbooks, wana hit my blackbook?

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