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wow just did a rack and return and RUSTOS now need female caps like american accents SMFH GRAFRF IS OFFICIALY DEAD B4 i reach my beak smh i quit!!!!!!!!!! fuck it shout out to you nikkas from 010 and b4 smh


i don't think it's all cans, and even still a female cap industry will probably emerge (there already kinda is one)

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i wasnt hoping for him 2 rag merk you just gotta look at the odds les was gonna get up there but instead of doing freehands i expected him 2 do a filling but looking at the spot looks like les was scared or he didnt relized how big merk filling was cuz les didnt raged the merk green filling


^^^^ no. he didnt care about the ggreene he just wanted to diss the black.

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