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This forum is brought to you by the 12oz Shop.
Remember quarter waters? Remember when MTV played music videos? Remember when Madonna used to fuck Paulee Zance at Limelight for hits of blow? Now, remember when 12oz was a graffiti site. Before you had my dick in your mouth, spitting my cum out on the screen, begging for my attention.


Remember when you first got that AOL dial-up connection with that noise that sounded like when you hum Lady Gaga songs across my balls and you would log on to chat rooms perpetrating like you was a 12 year old bitch just to, you know, “see how it feels.” Faggot. Remember when 12oz was a graffiti site? Now, its full of little pedophiles and jerk-offs, trying to rape my name. I am gonna Chris Hanson your ass. Lies and innuendo – tough talk and baby blabber. You don’t matter. That’s why you talk about me. Because even when you hate me, I’m more important than anything you love. Hate ain’t the opposite of love, punk, it is the bitch version of it. Let me give it to you straight, uncut and no fucking baking powder – you sour!


I am white.


I am Jewish.


When did either of these become a bad thing? Fucking racists.


I am from the Upper East Side. Ballin’ since birth – fuck a “turf.”


I lost a fight in ‘96. Hold on, wait. Time to editorialize. Ya’ll still talking about ‘96. About me in ‘96? Seriously. Nothing else has happened to you in damn near 25 years. That is the gold anniversary, right? You know how much gold I made since then. How many diamonds I’ve worn, dimes I’ve slayed. ‘96 right. Cotdamn, you making me a Jay-Z song. Still spending rep since ‘96.


But, back to the news. I’m scrawny as fuck. Got that crack head weight at 115. Shit, I have smoked crack. Makes sense then, right? Had my share of dust and pills too. Clean for a minute though. Yeah, I beat crack holmes, so what's your little Bobby Brown bitching gonna do to me?


The "Yorkvillians" did step to me on they block when they thought I was alone. I wasn’t. The whole hood (and I am being mad generous calling your little sliver of 3 blocks, two bodegas and one laundromat a hood) backed down quick fast and in a hurry when they saw AOW trooped up for the war. Holla at DAZ or POST for that one.


The Yorkvillers did slash my tires though, which is like, o-m-g, totally fierce dude. They was just mad I was whipping while they was skipping. And, yes, I was fucking their girls. Sometimes, though, I just let them blow me. And, then, videotaped that shit.


Speaking of which, SAME did break my jaw. He was caught and given a summons. Oooh a big bad summons. I think I got one of those when I was, um, 14. The DA asked if I wanted him locked up and I said no. And he wasn’t. I still give SAME more respect than I give the Yorkvillers. We’ve been beefin’ since ‘97 (which, for the record, is the year I lost that fight that you still talk about damn near 25 years later). We’ve murdered spots and plastered the city with beef alone. What you done lately? Or ever for that matter. Do any of the Yorkvillers even write? Isn’t this a graff forum? Did you guys think this was a porn site or something?

M4M maybe?


So to all the haters that still live on the same broke block they grew up on with their parents, still be on foot ridin the train, still aint got no career, and still be on 12oz talkin about me.. When you see me ridin by in my Supercharged Range.. Sittin on 22s.. Derelict dudes or dime divas in the passenger. And I'm headin home from the club after poppin bottles (Yeah I pop my own bottles, not drink off other dudes bottles... Ive seen how you guys "roll" at the club) Just wave at me. And, if you're lucky, ill wave back and enhance those dreams of yours. Cause, you definitely not catchin' me with those dusty ass timbs on.


Stop it Slime.


Peace to everyone in this forum that be postin that raw graff shit and dont be worryin about what anybody has to say.


Back to real business.





lol, u lookin extra frail my guy. niggas got your emotions, you talking about niggas that dont even be on this bullshit site guy, niggas that would spit in your face gladly and tell you not to wipe it off, u would sit with that lugie dripping down ur face (pause) u making assumptions, dont worry about me , all u gonna see is my fist then the concrete, stay on your toes little man

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