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BNE aka Big Nut Eater is a talentless rich herb putting up "printed" stickers all over the world. WOW. They cost about $1000 to make a little grip and he's got a million of them, so he's obviously charging them to his parents credit cards and probably paying MQ to live on his ballsack as well, since he's jocking him to borderline castration.


Studys show, as well as street reports, that he is an extremely jealous hater and a bonifide pussy, due to the fact that he was so upset at ADEK for doing his thing in NYC, that he tried to get others to turn on him. This act of shameful bitchism provoked ADEK to step to Bitch Nigga Extrodinaire and have the startled and scared printed sticker queen mace the former and run for shelter.


Hmmmmmm. In my world that don't add up. See old friend paint hard, hate on former friend, try to get tough guys to gang up on one man and do something since you're a bitch, get confronted, pull out mailman weapon on opponent and then run for the hills.


Bitch Nigga Extrodinaire indeed.


Or as he calls himself, the "Big Nut Eater" and that's just plain gross. So you're having a show? Of what? White stickers with black boring letters telling the world you devour sperm? It's just plain gross is what it is. In a game that prides itself on style, BNE possesses ZILTCH. Just many, many printed up advertisements of a sick, peverted lifestyle that his insecurities have forced him to cry for attention.


You're not a graffiti writer. You're a peverted clown.


You're only fooling yourself.








big nut eater was made by a FAN and goes around looking for BNE sticekrs and puts em over BNE stickers.. as for the beef wit adek.. ask him what happenes couple weeks ago when bne and skid seen him and katsu..

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Studys show, as well as street reports, that he is an extremely jealous hater and a bonifide pussy, due to the fact that he was so upset at ADEK for doing his thing in NYC, that he tried to get others to turn on him. This act of shameful bitchism provoked ADEK to step to Bitch Nigga Extrodinaire and have the startled and scared printed sticker queen mace the former and run for shelter.



I'm glad someone's got the official report on this fool

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BNE = BENET he killed Amsterdam like 10 yrs ago.before the stickers


YES....."KILLED" countries and cities where graff is practically legal. My dead aunt can do that. Doing blockbusters in the jungle or bombing a fucking hippy community where the police wear flip flops don't matter bro. As for the Skid and Katsu topic. Streets report that Katsu smashed Ball Nibbling Expert in the grill piece. As for Skid, he's useless unless his whole team of tatooed goons is with him. Ask Mane FTH to shed light on that one my little niggoleums.


Big Nut Eater is a spoiled brat hater with no life and is now being exposed as such for the benefit of all that don't know and need to know. He's no different then a "Stop" sign. Just as boring and also everywhere. I wish he'd do just that also. STOP.


Who's a "real" writer? JA is. Veefer is. MQ is. RD is. Desa is. Skrew GK is. Adek is. The list goes on and this sucker ain't on it.



This has been another edition of Expose-A-Sucker. In conjunction with The Big Reality Check series.

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