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not bad on the throwups def not my steez of things i do like the st connection you did on the 1st one ...you do owe rime some money tho my ninja ..as for the tags you need work in that department but i can see your gonna be a problem in the future if you keep at it ..its best off you switch the tag up now b4 your really really stuck with the name enjoi nadameans ..ill hit u with some throw ups in the morn just caught a few quick tags we will get technical later ya heard








i do have to admit that "s" connection is rimeish. originally i wasn't even going to throw it up but i figured whatever. Rime's is negative space though


Is that a reptilian in my e? lol... Thanks for the good words. I have to say though, most of the handies you posted look like what i'm already doing except devolved. The wavey (literally) E looks alot like a gouch tag that was posted a while back... but you're obviously going to be better at your tag then i am and vice versa though. Should be interesting to see what you do with the throw ups.


As for my tag, the letters are hard to work out, but it's a commitment. It'd be weird to be called something else at this point. Besides, i enjoi what i do.

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