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ill neva forget this..about 5 yrs back i bumped into some young gerbers at scrap yard ..they was about 7 deep it was me and my son ag..so the thirsty young dooligans ask me what i write cuz they see me buying caps..i respond what you write (you kno the routine) how one of em said i write post aow and had a blackbook with a bad imitation of the smurf joint i did all i could do was laugh or smack thundercats out of one of these gerbers..i just lied and said i write borg9 or some shit like that i had bigger fish to fry and better shit to do.. but the moral of the story is if i would smacked the kid across the face with a molotow can the next day mad newjackson 5 herbs i never heard of that bomb forums harder then they bomb the street would be brakin there fingers typing up scrolls about how i got smacked with a can ...aint no one run adek out of no where i know dude and the niggas a scrapper a high powered scrapper at that so please save the fairytails for your nieces and nephews

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real g's remain silent - not jump on a forum like a cheerleader



real g's surely don't sit there and think of over 20 or 30 ways to substitute the word son from their vocabularies. real talk Cincinnati your harassment methods are hurt. go do a fill in or make a myspace MY SON


let me chill my g string, you hurting..

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