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Well i wont argue with you on this, you dont like my pieces and you get mad that i paint freights, well good, im glad, i dont care who you are or what you write but as long as the fact that i paint gets you mad for some reason i will continue to do it,

and for the record i enjoy seeing throws and hollows. my comment was directed towards posting mine not towards me not enjoying seeing other peoples


im not getting mad that you paint freights, the fact is, U CANT PAINT FREIGHTS, ur not allowed to, u seem to forget that its putting in work that gets u to that stage...

its not the fact that u paint that gets me mad, i dont fuckin care wat you do, u can set yourself on fire and jump off a building and i wouldnt give a flying fuck, BUT, u writing for ___( i heard it was 7, but i dont know) years should have a better product and a more educated sense of wat to and not to do...

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not directed at clever but ^he's got a point, I was taught that you get to paint freights after you've paid your dues. I'm glad I waited as long as I did, probably could have waited longer.


I hate the mentality of "if it pisses you off then good, thats what Im going for"


Wouldn't be alot more worthwhile to listen to these "rules" out of mutual respect for fellow writers then get noticed for having a good head on your shoulders, instead of looking like some punk with a hard on for destruction?


Whatever, no one gives a shit anymore apparently.


"It's all just vandalism" yeah, more and more everyday...

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not directed at clever but ^he's got a point, I was taught that you get to paint freights after you've paid your dues. I'm glad I waited as long as I did, probably could have waited longer.


I hate the mentality of "if it pisses you off then good, thats what Im going for"


Wouldn't be alot more worthwhile to listen to these "rules" out of mutual respect for fellow writers then get noticed for having a good head on your shoulders, instead of looking like some punk with a hard on for destruction?


Whatever, no one gives a shit anymore apparently.


"It's all just vandalism" yeah, more and more everyday...


Well it just seemed like he was getting mad over something that didnt concern him and therefore had no reason to get him mad. As far as paying dues to paint trains, i dunno i guess that makes sense. At the same time i would hold freights and city painting as seperate issues that have little to do with eachother, graff started on trains then moved to walls. Also, i will probably never be the most "up" in ottawa but i have been painting for over 5 years and writing for well over 7 and not a day goes by where i dont see a burner,throw or tags of my own. All in all just saying that i dont have a problem with yk1 and dont even kno wat he writes but if i have the chance to paint freights i will, anyone can hate on that if they want.







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Well it just seemed like he was getting mad over something that didnt concern him and therefore had no reason to get him mad. As far as paying dues to paint trains, i dunno i guess that makes sense. At the same time i would hold freights and city painting as seperate issues that have little to do with eachother, graff started on trains then moved to walls. Also, i will probably never be the most "up" in ottawa but i have been painting for over 5 years and writing for well over 7 and not a day goes by where i dont see a burner,throw or tags of my own. All in all just saying that i dont have a problem with yk1 and dont even kno wat he writes but if i have the chance to paint freights i will, anyone can hate on that if they want.


Understand this: if I get a chance to diss or go over any of your ugly ass freights, I will. Keep wasting your paint.

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Blah Blah blah hes painting at least and putting in some work, is it really how good youare? or how dedicated you are to improving? i dont agree with hollows on freights but the point remains, graff is about painting a surface and getting your name up so that the most ppl will see it, hence a train. if you think the trains are for the proficient writers, fine but thats just the idea you made yourself thus probably limiting yourself, so the point is, what are you looking for with your graff?


but them toys dont go just doodling on thefreights, cuz that ridicules yourself and where your from.

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Blah Blah blah hes painting at least and putting in some work, is it really how good youare? or how dedicated you are to improving? i dont agree with hollows on freights but the point remains, graff is about painting a surface and getting your name up so that the most ppl will see it, hence a train. if you think the trains are for the proficient writers, fine but thats just the idea you made yourself thus probably limiting yourself, so the point is, what are you looking for with your graff?


but them toys dont go just doodling on thefreights, cuz that ridicules yourself and where your from.


so, just cause hes putting in "work", that means he can hit freights? no...

freights really involve how good you are, wat your reputation is, and what you represent, because freights are basically the only thing going international out of this shithole we call a city, so we have to be very selective about who does and doesnt hit freights, if you wanna get your name up, go do it on the street, freights arent for that exact reason...

if hes looking to become a heavy freight junkie, then maybe he should reconsider wat he should have been doing over the last 7 years, cuz clearly, its all in the pooper...

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