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yo ch.0, is this a scam or no?


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Alright, so i've never had a cell phone before. Ya, i know, crazy talk. Anywho, i've been in the market for the last month+ for a decent plan and found an ad on craigslist of someone wanting to transfer their line.


Now, this might sound super noobish, but i honestly know dick about cell phone plans/anything regarding contractual business. As i understand it, this helps the other person in that they save a cancellation fee, and helps me by saving me an activation fee, i get a free phone, and the plan in question is 10 dollars cheaper then if i got the same plan myself atm.


I'm supposed to call the person today and get it done with. I'm just wondering, how does the process of transferring a plan/line go? I just see myself calling and the dude being like "Ok, i have T-Mobile on the other line, now i just need your name, address, credit card number...".


Thanks ya'll.


Real gangsters use pre paid Cuz.

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