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youre a fucking idiot. all of those cats have their own unique styles, the point of those straights was to do a similar style or font. its pretty common in this whole "graffiti" thing.

and as far as sharing letters.. theres only 26 of them buddy, and you need vowels to make up words, so i really dont see what youre on about..

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sure got a rise out of all the stm cats on this thread


font or not antes still blows his load on all of your faces and that little "production" is ll the proof I need


now, I'm not saying antes is the shit by any means


Kid has talent but is a few years away from doing some impressive shit.


And "unique styles" HA!!! Antes bit hard to get his shit to where it is now (which is a little more original) and then all you toys swung from his nuts so long that his old letters chaffed its way into your style!




awoke's style looks like it has its dick up antes ass and his mouth on menor's letters


and senal (dont even know why im bothering with this toy!) he stuck on their shit when they were still writing mgs ....


I'm not even going to say anything about the rest of stm cuz in my opinion the rest of stm retired


step ur game up pussies!


lets see how well this ruffles ur feathers

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