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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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Double weak on Joe Pesci, Why chime in and defend a move you didn't make? IF you're that surprised the FH wall hasn't been dissed go diss it yourself and then you can come on here and tell everyone how smacked up it was and how it looks better with your toy shit over it. And you can be sure that Hyper will be getting dissed.



Not even gonna start drama because I respect sgod and fh nothing i said wasnt meant towards beef just stated that the whole spot has been abused over the years not that anyone should rag them. Those dudes have influenced me painting in my early years... Like cmon now just sounds dumb.

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Happy New Year: You can now be indefinitely detained!


For all you cats that don't stay up on politics, this is the current bill of fuckery that was just signed by Obama...




its nice to see somebody on here is smart and pays attention to whats going on in our fucked up world.while you toys sit on your computer talking shit about everyone else,america is planning big things to take away your freedom.the only solution is ron paul.for all you fukheads that dont support him or just dont give a fuck,if you care about having the freedom to talk shit on forums,youd go out and show your support.i dont understand how i can come on this site once a year and its always the same blah blah blah,everyone hating on each other.unite people,organize,become friends and work together to do something positive.as far as nj graffiti its dead.my dude klas told me if you go out painting everyday every weekend,your either a bum,a loser,or a little rich kid who can afford to go out and buy paint,cuz the days of racking have been over for many years.its cool to go out do a peice every so often,maybe hit up some highways,but if your devoted to being somebody in this graff game,youd learn to take it as it comes.when i was a kid looking up to the big names and then i met everybody who is a somebody,youd realize the people you look up to a dope feinds,crackheads,pill crushers,coke heads,alcoholics..im not going to start calling people out ,do what makes you happy.i made a choice a long time ago that i wouldnt be like that.can someone tell me how to post flix,i have a lot of vintage graff from the 90s,when jersey was the shit,that most of you kids were probly in diapers...vote dr ron paul!!!!!!!

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someone tell me how to post flix,i have a lot of vintage graff from the 90s,when jersey was the shit,that most of you kids were probly in diapers...vote dr ron paul!!!!!!!


right click on the image. Copy image URL. Click the "Insert Image" tab at the top of the reply box. Paste the copied URL in said location and you should have yourself a picture my friend.

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