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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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  • gentrifried


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PETER GUNN: Don't listen to all the hatred in here. Keep doing what you do. Don't let these frustrated has-beens and non graffiti writers tell you otherwise. You have an unbiased view towards graff and that my friends will result in a nice palette of flicks. Guys, there's a scroll button for a reason. If you don't like what you see, just scroll! I welcome the assortment of flicks, such a nice departure from the same tired ol' tired freight flicks. What happened to street bombing in Jersey anyway? Props to Sape for keeping it alive. Not only can he go hard with his crew but SOLO too. A very important aspect which seems to have been lost. People only go out when they have a crew to look them out, photographers, and a chauffeur.


Obamalla: Gentrified takes good pics, but due to brainwashing from certain people, no longer portrays what is realistically done in Jersey. Something Gentrified was doing very well I guess before he ran into his first graffiti writer and was "schooled" on who he should and shouldn't flick.


This Jersey forum is similar to the conservative party. So many bigots. Not helping each other out, but stepping on each others toes. If a brother is doing some toy shit, why not guide him, teach him how to write graffiti? No, instead you bark at them for their attempts at being part of a culture which isn't even OWNED by any of you. Imagine what the scene in this state would be like if people stopped acting like bitches and actually looked each other out? Seriously. The lack of brotherhood and extreme bias in this culture is sickening.

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PETER GUNN: Don't listen to all the hatred in here. Keep doing what you do. Don't let these frustrated has-beens and non graffiti writers tell you otherwise. You have an unbiased view towards graff and that my friends will result in a nice palette of flicks. Guys, there's a scroll button for a reason. If you don't like what you see, just scroll! I welcome the assortment of flicks, such a nice departure from the same tired ol' tired freight flicks. What happened to street bombing in Jersey anyway? Props to Sape for keeping it alive. Not only can he go hard with his crew but SOLO too. A very important aspect which seems to have been lost. People only go out when they have a crew to look them out, photographers, and a chauffeur.


Obamalla: Gentrified takes good pics, but due to brainwashing from certain people, no longer portrays what is realistically done in Jersey. Something Gentrified was doing very well I guess before he ran into his first graffiti writer and was "schooled" on who he should and shouldn't flick.


This Jersey forum is similar to the conservative party. So many bigots. Not helping each other out, but stepping on each others toes. If a brother is doing some toy shit, why not guide him, teach him how to write graffiti? No, instead you bark at them for their attempts at being part of a culture which isn't even OWNED by any of you. Imagine what the scene in this state would be like if people stopped acting like bitches and actually looked each other out? Seriously. The lack of brotherhood and extreme bias in this culture is sickening.



"I Teach but hold heat, cauz some savage n****z is lost beyond reach" GZA

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PETER GUNN: Don't listen to all the hatred in here. Keep doing what you do. Don't let these frustrated has-beens and non graffiti writers tell you otherwise. You have an unbiased view towards graff and that my friends will result in a nice palette of flicks. Guys, there's a scroll button for a reason. If you don't like what you see, just scroll! I welcome the assortment of flicks, such a nice departure from the same tired ol' tired freight flicks. What happened to street bombing in Jersey anyway? Props to Sape for keeping it alive. Not only can he go hard with his crew but SOLO too. A very important aspect which seems to have been lost. People only go out when they have a crew to look them out, photographers, and a chauffeur.


Obamalla: Gentrified takes good pics, but due to brainwashing from certain people, no longer portrays what is realistically done in Jersey. Something Gentrified was doing very well I guess before he ran into his first graffiti writer and was "schooled" on who he should and shouldn't flick.


This Jersey forum is similar to the conservative party. So many bigots. Not helping each other out, but stepping on each others toes. If a brother is doing some toy shit, why not guide him, teach him how to write graffiti? No, instead you bark at them for their attempts at being part of a culture which isn't even OWNED by any of you. Imagine what the scene in this state would be like if people stopped acting like bitches and actually looked each other out? Seriously. The lack of brotherhood and extreme bias in this culture is sickening.




translation::: you internet bullies and rustoleum ruffians better leave my son peter gunn alone, i bought my son a new camera for christmas so he can take pictures of graffiti for you graff nerds and this is what he gets??? eat my pussy bitches.






personally i have no problems with peter gunns fliks, i think most people are just busting his balls because of his watermark. haha

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in repsonse to one of the only well thought out responses ever on this forum by speekup122

..not sure if the "brainwashing" of gentrifried is the correct thing to say..i think..just like a writer..gent has developed his taste or likes and dislikes and decided to persue that the way a writer persues styles better than the last...

..as far as the forum and not helping each other out.due to the selfishness on somes part,the ignorance on others..help and pointers in most cases are not welcome nor well received on here and after awhile those that could or should give this type of feedback get fed up and give up...


just my opinion and little rant..now back to your regularly scheduled hatin,shit talkin etc...


oh yeah...remember...JERSEY BURNS..THE DVD IS COMING!!!

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