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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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ok 10 votes ,. i need 10 votes ,. and then i will drop a list of toys that this state could do without ,. i have a list of 31 so far and the list is still growing ,. im also basing it on the fact of writers that look like they arent progressing ,. those that have a bit ive had mercy on ,. also if i do drop this list feel free to add some ;) now i need 10 show of hands haha

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someone once said on this forum, that they would go out every time and paint a different name, just for the sake of painting. I think that's what's up, if you really think about it.... I honestly think that REAL toys(couple first timers) are creating original graffiti, beacuase it's what comes from their mind before they adapt the typical "good" grafitti style. The problem is that we don't have those kind of kids, but TOYS in the other sense, that they have something to prove, yet still suck.

There's a difference between toys that are starting out and learning,and TOYS that have an ego, will go over other writers, and think their shit's ill,l when it honks(for reference, see B.S.). Even the best writer should be humble. there's always something to improve. ALSO, there is such thing as adapting a style from where you're from. I think it's good to take influences from the shit you've seen yourself, growing up, and your general area. However, complete bites, and ripped style are way too prevalent in this state. i don't even have to name names. There's a ton of really dope jersey graff,an insane amount, but most of you won't know it because it hasn't been flicked. Same flicks keep popping up on here, lots of it deserves to be flicked because there are mad crews doing their thang, but when you'e flickin' that piece you know...feel free to capture the piece next to it you may not know from the net, that you're feelin'....or even the 'for a good time call heather - 555-6969' PSA ya saw posted! that shit is REAL graffiti.

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ok feel free to add anything here we go boys n girls top 5 asholes first then the rest is in no order


1. emo ,... self explanitory

2. cep ,.. going over heads that you couldnt shine there shoes,. pushing crews you are not down with or even know and sidebusting hard ,. and many more dumb fucking moves i dont care to share

3.desh ,. self explanitory ,..aka rotc

4. serm ,. you suck and you allways will suck and so will your crew

5.cro ,. 10 fuckin years and you still cant rock a throwie or a hand??? leave it alone man just let go ,. hang that shit up

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