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i don't even mind being crossed out...DC graffiti is @ the bottom of my priorities list..but for somebody to call me a toy AND diss my shit IN A CHILL SPOT when so many wack niggas get embraced with open arms...lol, that shits real disrespectful. i aint never fucked w/ nobody but i guess it is what it is. do i gotta be in 2dk or bite niggas from philly to get love in dc? damn. anyways good lookin to whoever posted any of that that rei/cave/envy/and 2short shit not too long ago. what up soak

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DAMM X out my niguh kegs shit. :mad:


who did that?

if they didnt even sign it thats a bitch move (not takin sides if theres a beef cuz i dont know him), attleast diss like a man though make it bold n sign it or do a boldass tag right over it n then write "no diss" ironically thats always funny

its not even a good diss its a thin ass x that sum lil kid prolly did with a empty scrap can, someone most likely who is more "toy" than he is cuz kegs is dope thats a good piece

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anybody who knows me knows i only make it back to dc once every so often and truthfully i painted that shit with shit that i had left at my house cause i wasn't trying to go pick up paint and i even walked away from that shit thinkin man, i coulda put up some better shit than that...thats why i aint even flick it myself, but to whoever did that faggot ass shit...at least use some flat white rusto....if your shit can't even cover some krylon watermelon and watery ass gloss red you should kill yourself right now :)

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i don't even mind being crossed out...DC graffiti is @ the bottom of my priorities list..but for somebody to call me a toy AND diss my shit IN A CHILL SPOT when so many wack niggas get embraced with open arms...lol, that shits real disrespectful. i aint never fucked w/ nobody but i guess it is what it is. do i gotta be in 2dk or bite niggas from philly to get love in dc? damn. anyways good lookin to whoever posted any of that that rei/cave/envy/and 2short shit not too long ago. what up soak


i gotta be in 2dk or bite niggas from philly to get love in dc? damn.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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to get love in dc, i don't know if you have to be in 2dk, but you sure as hell have to bite "niggas" five ways everyday from philly. like its so real man, you might as well quit if you bite a white person, but if you're gonna bite someone white or whatever, and you want to get respect in dc, you might as well bite a white "nigga" from philly (but never a good ol plain white person from philly). ya feel me?

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You better be fucking positive before you throw out a homeboys name about anything, I dont care how small an issue it is.


No, if he doesnt remember he can just say he thinks it was but hes not sure.


The internet isn't serious businesses my friend. It's ok.


It's annoying seeing people get on 12oz and act like their fucking frank lucas.


its the fucking internet for gods sake. Anyone who believes or bases their opinion on something they've read off 12oz is an idiot.

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i don't even mind being crossed out...DC graffiti is @ the bottom of my priorities list..but for somebody to call me a toy AND diss my shit IN A CHILL SPOT when so many wack niggas get embraced with open arms...lol, that shits real disrespectful. i aint never fucked w/ nobody but i guess it is what it is. do i gotta be in 2dk or bite niggas from philly to get love in dc? damn. anyways good lookin to whoever posted any of that that rei/cave/envy/and 2short shit not too long ago. what up soak


^ If you are upset about getting crossed out you should do something about that. The "wack" you speak of getting love, get it most likely for being cool and not popping off thier mouths about things they know nothing about. being in 2dk doesnt mean your getting "love" from the general public in fact most get hated on for just trying to get in the game. aside from that it may have been a friend of the real KEGS who came across your shit and thought it was real wack that you dont have enouph respect for a writer who has put in mad work to pick a different name. I dunno, please feel free to keep your opinions to yourself.

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^ If you are upset about getting crossed out you should do something about that. The "wack" you speak of getting love, get it most likely for being cool and not popping off thier mouths about things they know nothing about. being in 2dk doesnt mean your getting "love" from the general public in fact most get hated on for just trying to get in the game. aside from that it may have been a friend of the real KEGS who came across your shit and thought it was real wack that you dont have enouph respect for a writer who has put in mad work to pick a different name. I dunno, please feel free to keep your opinions to yourself.


AJ, that wackness comment wasn't directed at you and yours, or 2dk for that matter, as far as I know I don't have problems with none of yall. That was more or less poking fun at the population of crew stuff in the thread. As far as popping off my mouth about shit I don't know nothing about, I wasn't. I just simply asked if anyone knew who did it and stated why I was upset about it. Not even on some graffiti shit, just on some man shit. I think dissing somebody or saying something about somebody anonymously is bullshit, and thats all I was saying, which is why I never cared if people on here knew what I wrote. And as far as the whole name issue goes...I have my own reasons for that. I'm not a graffiti writer, I'm just a regular ass dude that likes writing on shit, whether it belongs to me or not. I started writing KEGS because I gave up drinking for a year and I thought it was an ironic name. I don't keep up with the graffiti jones' and I didn't come across KEGR's stuff til way after the fact. His shit is dope, pvc all day, whatever, but at the same time fuck the high school shit. It's not like I'm trying to act like him, none of my letters look remotely like anything he's done, not even my hand or throw. If he or someone in his crew came up to me and was like yo, that shit's not cool, I'd respect that and stop writing it...but to stop writing a name that I have fun writing because it rubs somebody who I don't even know or will never meet in my life the wrong way...thats ridiculous. And like I said, I don't have problems with none of yall, peace to anybody thats handling their shit on the graffiti-front, I just don't like the idea of shit talking anonymously, even though thats how 12oz works for the most part. I see where you're coming from though.

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