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A Familiar Pattern

Targeted people have reported that everyone from homeless people to white-collar workers are participating in Gang Stalking. This also includes neighbors, friends, co-workers and even family of targeted people. Federal, state and local governments are reportedly complicit, such as local police, fire departments, EMT personnel, city workers, utility companies, taxi drivers, security guards, and stores and restaurants. According to Dr. Kilde, other participants include, '"Down and out' people, jobless, freed prisoners, mental outpatients, students and orphans." These people "are trained by this organization to harass, [and] follow ... innocent people, who for whatever reason have been put on the organization's hit list."


The April/May 1996 issue of Nexus Magazine revealed that "Tens of thousands of persons in each [Metropolitan] area," are now "working as spotters and neighborhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly)." There is a legal loophole that allows people to operate on behalf of the government, without knowing it. Executive Order 12333 states that organizations used by U.S. intelligence do not need to know that they serve U.S. intelligence objectives. These spotters, it continued, are charged with, "following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel." This helps to explain the Mobbing and Gang Stalking accounts of targets both in the workplace and in public.


In order to sell the community on this program, its creators probably equipped it with convincing propaganda, which is delivered by professionals. Although there has been no official admission that the following federal resources function as recruitment programs for public harassment, they are similar to ones used in German and Russian dictatorships.


The Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS), appears to be a bulked-up version of a community-policing program. Even though TIPS was officially rejected by congress, the American Civil Liberty Union contends that it and similar programs are being used aggressively across the nation. Other programs must have sprung up around the planet because the reported tactics of Gang Stalking in other countries are similar.


But who is the threat? According to some of these documents at http://www.citizencorps.gov, the targets are criminals and terrorists. However, the definition of a terrorist in section 802 of the US Patriot Act is frighteningly vague. Basically it defines terrorism as any action that endangers human life or that violates state or federal law.


An article entitled, US Planning to Recruit One in 24 Americans as Citizen Spies, which appeared in the Sunday Morning Herald on July 15, 2002, provided us with another clue. It stated, "The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police."


The articled revealed that the system is poised to recruit those whose work provides access to homes, businesses, and public transportation systems. Postal workers, utility employees, truck drivers, train conductors and others are to be recruited. On "state and local" levels these informants are to be directed by FEMA. This provides a motive for the reports of people being stalked by 18-wheelers, busses, city, postal, and utility vehicles.


It continued, "Informant reports will enter databases for future reference and/or action ... [which] will then be broadly available within the department, related agencies and local police forces. The targeted individual will remain unaware of the existence of the report and of its contents." This also helps to explain why inquiries by targeted individuals regarding the harassment have been met with denial by friends, relatives, neighbors, law enforcement, and colleagues.


In August, 2004, the ACLU, published a report entitled, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex, in which it contended that there is currently a vigorous citizen informant recruitment process. It stated, "Only under the most oppressive governments have informants ever become a widespread, central feature of life." Recognizing a familiar pattern, they charged, "The East German Stasi ... recruited from among the citizenry ... as many as one in every 50 citizens, to spy and report on their fellow citizens." They warn that a "massive" recruitment effort is underway.


The New American stated in their October 7, 2002, article called, TIPping off Big Brother, that the current effort to build a colossal network of informants is being done to, "enlist American citizens in surveillance activities that the state is either legally or physically unable to do." They say, a society, "where neighbors, co-workers, and passersby are all enlisted in a vast network of civilian informants--resembles conditions that existed in Stalin's reign of terror, and in all modern totalitarian states."


Continuing, they add, "Realizing that a cowed and brainwashed populace can carry out surveillance better than a million trained agents, Communist tyrants from East Germany to Cuba created revolutionary circles, youth groups, and other organizations specifically to enable the Party faithful in every walk of life to police everybody else."


On July 15, 2002, the Washington Times ran an article entitled, Planned Volunteer-Informant Corps Elicits '1984' Fears, which stated, "1 million informants" would be "initially" participating in a citizen informant program. And that the program would involve a combined effort between the DOJ, local police forces, as well as state and local agencies (businesses). "At local and state levels, the program will be coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency," they described.


"Critics," they added, "say that having Americans act as "domestic informants" is reminiscent of the infamous Stasi" which targeted "dissidents and ordinary East German citizens..." This evidence helps to explain how stores and restaurants are participating in the harassment. In addition, it appears that these informant squads are coordinated by local and federal law enforcement.


According to http://www.citizencorps.gov, the directive of the informant program is to "harness the power of the American people by relying on their individual skills and interests to prepare local communities to effectively prevent and respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, or any kind of disaster." This may explain the reports of targeted people who allege that local, state and federal workers are using skills within their profession as part of the harassment.


For instance, city vehicles, postal vehicles, fire trucks, school buses, and taxis are reportedly stalking people. Construction projects encircle a targeted person's home and also spring up at frequently visited places. Utility companies interrupt service. Local businesses provide poor service, appear incompetent or clumsy and work with civilian informants to harass targeted people in their stores.


In East Germany the IMs included doctors, lawyers, journalists, sports-figures, writers, actors, high officials in religious organizations, pastors, waiters, hotel personnel, and other workers. "Schools, universities, and hospitals were infiltrated from top to bottom," wrote Koehler. In other words, what Koehler is describing is that the controlling faction of the organization was recruited into a policy set by the Ministry for State Security (MfS), which was then filtered down to its workers.


Interestingly, when I asked a manager at a retail establishment in Medford, MA if he had heard of Gang Stalking, he told me to "contact corporate headquarters." In all likelihood these programs originate from the organization's Corporate Headquarters that have adopted it as part of a federal or state policy. The pattern that is unfolding is that all major departments of the community are involved.


Other questionable programs include VIPS, Weed and Seed, Cat Eyes, and Talon. Part of the Weed And Seed program calls for a combined effort between local, state, and federal agencies, as well as community organizations, social services, private sector businesses and residents, to "weed out" undesirable individuals.


In a May 14, 2003 article entitled, Building a Nation of Snoops, the Boston Globe stated, "Watching America with Pride, not Prejudice," is " the Orwellian motto of the New Jersey-based Community Anti-Terrorism Training Institute, or CAT Eyes." CAT Eyes is, "an antiterrorist citizen informant program being adopted by local police departments," spanning from the east to west coast.


The Globe described how this informant program was poised to recruit 100 million citizens! The program will, "dwarf the citizen informer programs of the most repressive totalitarian states, making them appear amateurish by comparison," they wrote. "Even communist East Germany," they proclaimed, "was not as ambitious about citizen surveillance as CAT Eyes." According to the Globe, the goal is to recruit one out of every three citizens.


Catherine Epstein at the Department of History at Amherst College, contends that East Germany had the highest agent/informer to population rate in history. So if the U.S. has implemented this or a similar program, it has set a historical record. Former FBI Special Agent Ted L. Gunderson indicates that eventually about one in ten people will unofficially work for the state as an informant. In Germany the recruiters were given quotas to ensure a minimal amount of expansion. Due to the shear number of people now participating, I suspect quotas are being used.

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