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Philosophy of science

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I like how you can't make no logical arguement' date=' so you try to rat me out...pretty petty shit... btw I don't live in Seattle...went to school there a few years back, but thats about it...[/quote']


I know.


I got my P.I's on you, buddy, anyway...:D


If I really wanted to rat you out I could give up your address too. but i'm not

a sleazeball like that. I'm just clownin, G

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aaaw, man. If I wasn't a nice guy I could've jumped all over that. You shoudn't have brought your mom into this....but I'm a nice guy, plus I'm a recovering snap on your moms addict and I'm not coming off the wagon.

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ok, after your assumption about having the most extensive scientific background on here?


i have ten publications, including two in Nature and one in Cell

i may not have a degree in philosophy, but my father has a degree in it and i've taken some courses.

yknow theres another mod on here, that doesn't really even come into crossfire, and he's about to get a degree in chemistry.


making statements like that does make you seem pretentious, regardless of what your self opinion is telling you.

haha your damn screen name is "the man with the answers" ??? haha. hell yeah that's pretentious as fuck.


pre·ten·tious adj.


1. Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.

2. Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious.



and to say you disagree with the whole idea of the paper is amusing, seeing that the paper actually presents a couple different ideas on basically the same thing: whether you can accept something that cannot be observed as scientific evidence

from what you're saying, "you disagree with the whole idea" ..of what..scientific observation?


pretty impressive reasoning skills there bud. you must have an amazing background indeed.


I'm intrigued, from what I've read here in the forums you seem to conduct biological research of some sort. I'd be pleased to learn more about your particular research endeavors. Of course I understand confidentiality is a priority here, so feel free to omit certain details. I'm currently a biology major myself, and I'm glad to see more people of the sciences invested in similiar past-times and artistic interests. ;)

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