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all i want to know is how that blew the spot up...please explain it to me. i did a fuckin tag that NO ONE CAN SEE! whats the big deal. i wasnt looking for fame or anything like that, it was done out of boredom waiting for a train. are you guys really serious? as for the person who wants to talk crazy i wasnt talkin about what i might do, im dead serious. this got way out of hand now. at first it was funny to me i kinda thought you guys might be joking. im pretty sure unicraven or whatever didnt even go there to see the tag was not facing the street and not blowning anything up. he just doesnt like us. and thats cool. we dont care. but to get all bent outta shape when no one was even talkin to you in the first place is crazy.

but you crossed the line with all the disrespect you were talking. and i did have respect for you and everyone else in the city. this goes back and he knows how far. i mean back to bob lee's. and the whole oaks thing didnt help. so other than that you have no good reason to feel any kinda way about us when you dont even really know us. i thought what you and pase had was old news but maybe that has something to do with it also i dont know..??..


like i said lets gets this over with. how do you want to end this?..a fight? just diss eachother forever? or just leave it alone now and move on like grown men?

by the way cse is not aow for those who care

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I moved on already aswell.. Don't have No fucking time to internet bench and argue with the younglings..

Have way more Important things to focus ON.. Like Representin' MY CITY to the fullest- With the dopest stuff that does appear around here!

We all should be embarrassed of this MILWAUKEE FORUM and our scene..It reflects this city whether you like it or not..Beef. beef. beef.. And NO continuous dope Productions that make muthafucka say damn!!...


Back to doing what I do best....


15 years from now I'll still be toying with graffitti... and some of you?

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yall should battle..maybe itl make the city more preitty..fuck all this fighting eachother shit man yall need to keep it to the roots of why it happened..GRAFFITI... yeah cats might run theyre mouths and cause others to wanna fight..but fight with paint.....but all i know is AOW did it the biggest the past year..got up more than ANYONE on milwaukee streets ..and thats "real" fuck what anyone says.. all yall sit back and hate on whos really doin the right thing and gettin up..while theyre out puttin up tags on every green dumpster and sign and everything in the way..you sit back and hate cuz ur tag aint there and AOW 's is.. fuck that..dont run ur mouth unless u got shit up to be tellin them theyre shits weak cuz u aint even got shit noone can talk bout... and how come noone was sayin shit bout aow this whole time??? they gotta jump on the bandwagon of haters and gang up.. fuck all u haters and fuck all u snitches..and fuck everyone who aint down with what im sayin.. i dont give a FUCK..come try and beat my ass cuz nnoone knows me and i dont know u ..i keep to myself...and i keep it 100% as real as it can get....if u dont agree then fuck me and fuck u too.. line my shit.. bomb over it ..i dont give a fuck do what u gotta do..cuz i came up in this graffiti shit with everyone hatin.. and everyone is always gonna hate.. unless we as the graffti writers of milwaukee come together and be cool and fuckin actually paint..and get up and destroy this fuckin city the way it was supposed to be.. just like "back in 96"...and if noone agrees then i guess we gotta sit back and listen to all the "real" writers talk bout how theyre so dope and how dope it was back in the day and keep on seeing the same old shit everyday..and wish for a better day..fuck that so im gonna keep on puttin up shit..and yall should too.. just put up 1 tag a day at least.... sorry if i offended anyone..but its gotta be said...


o yea by the way mad props to frost dawg is gettin up nicely over here..gotta give it to em

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funny, i got something to say to artistik, I will be messin with graf until im way old too...shit im already gettin there...ill be catchin tag in the old folks home....or at least flicking it, paying attention to it etc.peace

by the way that dead kitten isnt cool........





unless you killed it.


and jasp1 "nice hands" but its only a handstyle, lets see some throwys at least....

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pink hands? GAY.to all you beefing online...GAY.this city fuckn rocks and the ones talk shit on it probably dont shit on it.this thread gives us a bad name.the real writers are to busy fuckin writing to be posting hands and shit online. if i posted everyfuckin hand me and my boys caught i would be busy online 24/7.milwaukee rocks. internet toys suck cock.:)

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