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anyone who buys paint by the case from taxed ass envisions is a sucker and i feel sorry for all that yellow rusto did you tell it that was going to be wasted on a shitty production and what's high school like these days is it as gay as that glee show you guys break out into gay ass songs for no real reason or is it more like saved by the bell oh my bad you guys can't remember shows that far back it's to much work for your brains so how many of you are gonna google saved by the bell cuz most of you kids forget shit like the fucking dog you know steve harvey said that "anyone born after 1980 is completely useless'....damn haha

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anyone who buys paint by the case from taxed ass envisions is a sucker and i feel sorry for all that yellow rusto did you tell it that was going to be wasted on a shitty production and what's high school like these days is it as gay as that glee show you guys break out into gay ass songs for no real reason or is it more like saved by the bell oh my bad you guys can't remember shows that far back it's to much work for your brains so how many of you are gonna google saved by the bell cuz most of you kids forget shit like the fucking dog you know steve harvey said that "anyone born after 1980 is completely useless'....damn haha


..speaking of highschool..i see that you got bullied so hard that you had to skip out of english class! I can tell this by how poor your grammar and punctuation is. I had to re-read your shit 5 times just to make sense of it. you just validated how old you are by dropping names like SAVED BY THE BELL-which is sad because you act like a little bitch ass snotty nosed little kid on here!! your grandma is a hoarder with dead cats buried underneath piles of OAKS sketches ,your dad molested you as a child,your mom smoked crack when she was pregnant with you and got piped hard by black dudes,infact..some black dude probably bottomed out on your mom and jabbed your skull while you were still in her..which explains your complete idiotic,moronic,inept,childish ways of acting on here. your like cancer! you just keep coming back on here when NO ONE cares to hear about your input. and why you havnt been banned yet is far beyond my comprehension. this website officialy sucks with you on here and todays new grafitti writers. you have contributed nothing to this citys graf scene or history. your just a stain on here that wont go away. And speaking of Envisions-did they or did they NOT sell your HORRIBLE so called grafitti mag called NITE OUT? I know GREENFIELD NEWS AND HOBBY did because i went there and stuffed every single issue down my pants and walked out, and then on my way home i threw them pieces of shit out the window while on the freeway on a cold winter day! to save anybodys eyes from being damaged from looking at that garbage! and i felt greeaat after doing it! go beat your dick to some more gay porn you faggot!

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The CP's annual Holiday train will be coming through Milwaukee this week. So If you are interested in having a fun filled time with your family you should head down to you local benching spot on the CP main line and enjoy the show. Make sure you dress your kids warm its going to be cold out there, but it will be worth it!!!







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really you stole a bunch of issues of my mag that's cool cuz i still got paid for them shits thanks fag hahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh for your info crack was'nt around during the 70's do your reagan knowledge shit was the 80's like when you where born so there fatboy oh yeah don't forget to get nites out 3 bitch so if you rack'em i still gets mine haha

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really you stole a bunch of issues of my mag that's cool cuz i still got paid for them shits thanks fag hahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh for your info crack was'nt around during the 70's do your reagan knowledge shit was the 80's like when you where born so there fatboy oh yeah don't forget to get nites out 3 bitch so if you rack'em i still gets mine haha


..do you know what commas are? and periods?..with your super fuking long run on sentences you illiterate piss knuckle!! nites out 3? really? you fukin loser! go crawl up in your grandmas piss flaps and fucking die!! im going to do everybody a huge favor and go around town and steal them faggot ass weak ass mags and wipe my ass with them. could care less if you get paid or not. go suck a long meaty shaft you fucking faggotttttt

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..do you know what commas are? and periods?..with your super fuking long run on sentences you illiterate piss knuckle!! nites out 3? really? you fukin loser! go crawl up in your grandmas piss flaps and fucking die!! im going to do everybody a huge favor and go around town and steal them faggot ass weak ass mags and wipe my ass with them. could care less if you get paid or not. go suck a long meaty shaft you fucking faggotttttt



sounds like hes on a mission

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