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fuck right off! you're not not welcome on here, with your shitty comments, none of you are! all of you kids need to stop talking about the twelve in the playground! shits spreading like wildfire, all these new "writers" appearing, who dont even graff, dont know their history, an have no idea who theyre running their mouths to, where are you all comin from? you should take a step back, listen n learn and possibly live a little! all theory did was try and give your, marc ecko's getting up, had it since xmas, got stuck on the last level, bought my first posca pen yesterday, think i'm a king, brains, a little knowledge.


(nb: not ment for majw)

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^^^ haha ''all theory did was try and give your, marc ecko's getting up, had it since xmas, got stuck on the last level, bought my first posca pen yesterday, think i'm a king, brains, a little knowledge.' that made me laugh. and theorys post further up. keep up the jokes, its the best thing bout coming on this thread.


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shit like this makes me wish i could stop writing.


fucking chumps.



And then shit like this ^^(sire and zem) is the shit keeping Derby alive and has been for aslong as ive been on this thread. A tip for all you 'wonna-be-grafters' out there, have a look at the time and effort these lads(sire and zem) put into their work. This high standard of painiting doesnt happen over night as you obviously think. They've taken years to master their can control and the ability to produce a piece of work which deserves respect....

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^^^ Oh god your cool, shows off your artistic tallent.


(cough) BOLLOCKS (cough)

lol youre a fucking idiot


its not serious, its a fucking computer game


you 'paint' with the mouse


you have a time limit of 5 or 6 minutes then you have to ditch it


its got nothing to do with artistic talent


since when are throwups about artist talent irl anyway


i dont see you posting any of your artwork, faggot




youre either a complete imbecile or incredibly stupid


you choose, cock muncher icon999.gif



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