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partying in portland...


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when searching for a good portland graff page ( this is still the best ive found) i kept seeing an aarticle for a legal wall, is that shit still around or is it dead? i just moved and im looking for a good place to piece and catch some pdx hotness....

i only know that helensview highschool used to feature a legal wall....but then a bunch of queers caught wind of it and started bombing the school so they scrapped it...i saw some real raw shit at that wall, most memorable were DEPTHS and SIREN...but thats only as much as i know about it

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thanks step oner..


searching this city for peicable walls and decent bridges sucks....that and finding a safe spot with reliable layups...


but then again, i keep those things secret in atl, so why would i expect pdx to be any different....


combing your city one night at a time...tomorrow...we start with the NE....

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1.) Salem is fresh. good to see OFA up again. I caught a Salem OFA Vegas tag here in seattle the other day that was dated 1993. 13 yrs.. and I think he goes back further than that.


2.) chek... just curious, I caught some stickers of yours here in seattle and I wanted to know if anyone had confronted you about there being an older chek KFM/CD that wrote here in the early '90's as well.. he was sick. again, just curious.. I saw your shit start to pop up a couple years ago and wondered if it was him..

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