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Ici Montréal


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I get drunk in the grave yard.......play cards.....and gravedigg....you know my steez.......Rick James Bitchhhhhhhhhhh


Killa-EF crack head spot



une chicks ki sip des fortees c'est ben cute!!






Ensoe et Webs...trop class le jack daniles billboard



Kant stop Stareing at it









Guilt Diar Idea??



Zuel Rest In Peace



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Everyone just shut the fuck up. If you know him, then you know what happened. If you don't, then you don't have to know. The last thing he would EVER want is a fucking internet thread where a bunch of people who don't even know him talk about how sorry they are to hear that he is ill, when all they really care about is that they won't be seeing any more of his graff, which he could care less about. You can all go fuck youselfs....the same shit happend when Justin died. 20 sum odd pages about how sad everyone was. Smacking Snitches....if you're who i think you are, you got your information from i know who, and he doesn't know all the facts. To tell you the truth, no one does: except his parents. You kids wanna talk about how sorry you are.....try sitting by his bed for 2 days. Not sleeping, working 10 hours, then going right back to the hospital. Just hope that he'll be back rockin the double deckers soon. He is NOT in a coma....that is all you have to know. Plz Plz Plz just everyone be quiet. That's what he would want.

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ok trooper, chte réponderai pas en anglais mais jsuis sur que tu comprends pareil.


chtrouve ca con un peux ta facon de réagir la dessus


ta raison, jle connais meme pas yusa mais ca me fait dkoi pareil ques qu'il lui est arrivé. Les détails jmen fou pos mal, jveux meme pas savoir kes ki c passer, l'important c son état, qu'il s'en sorte dans l'fond. Pis faire 20 pages sur son cas comme sur celui de zuel jvois pas kes ki a de mal la dedans... ca prouve juste qu'on se tient tous un peux par les coudes dans notre ''communauté'' appel ca comme tu veux. C dla compathie koi, y'est arrivé de koi de grave a un des membres de cette ''communauté'' messemble c normal dans parlé pis de s'inquiéter a son sujet.


Jsuis pas la pour en rire ou pour commencer nimporte quel debat, jvoulais juste en faire part aux autres pis a ceux qui le connaissent personellement, Jsais que ca te touche plus toi ke moi mais bon jreste pas indifférent.



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