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Louisiana House Bill 20


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Basically the wonderful people in charge of the "war on drugs" want a full ban of the growth of all of these plants. Most are not abused or abusable, and some are so prevalent in the wild that its amazing the person who came up with this crap had the brain cells to invent this list. The ones that were actually useful hallucinogens are for the most part already illegal by federal law anyway, so I'm failing to see the point of this, other than maybe government officials attempting to look busy. I can just see some poor sucker with some jimson weed growing somewhere on his lot getting hauled off to jail for manufacture of dangerous hallucinogenics.


Note for those unfamiliar with botanical terms, those spp. mean that the entire genus of plant would be regulated.


Don't they have anything better to do?




Amanita muscaria

Anadenanthera colubrina

Anadenanthera peregrina

Atropa belladonna

Banisteriopsis spp.

Brugmansia arborea

Brunfelsia spp.

Calea zacatechichi

Conocybe spp.

Datura spp.

Erythina spp.

Genista canariensis

Heimia salicfolia

Hyoscyamus niger

Ipomoea violacea

Kaempferia galanga

Lagoehilus inebrians

Latua pubiflora

Mandragora officinarum

Mesembryanthemum spp.

Methysticodendron amesianum

Mimosa hostilis

Olmedioperebea sclerophylla

Panaeolus spp.

Pancreatium trianthum

Peganum harmala

Physalis subglabrata

Prestonia amazonica

Psilocybe spp.

Rhynchosia spp.

Rivea corymbosa

Salvia divinorum

Solanum carolinense

Sophora secundiflora

Stropharia spp.

Tabernanthe iboga

Tetrapteris methystica

Vinca rosea

Virola spp.

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