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realness Posted Today, 04:25 PM

  Are you sick of high quality graff? can't handle a can but still wanna be famous? Need groupies that think youre good even tho you suck?


It's the perfect place to never develop your skills, stay a toy, and contribute to the worst graff scene ever!

don't hesitate! Derby has a wack spot waiting for you! With this offer comes a pack of yellow chalk so you can trace your first outline. But don't worry. This bonus will not affect your toy status, it may even increase it!

So join us!



wat u on bout.....


derby's full of kings....


next level shit - u no the score... :spin2:

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Originally posted by realness@Dec 6 2005, 11:25 AM

Are you sick of high quality graff? can't handle a can but still wanna be famous? Need groupies that think youre good even tho you suck?




It's the perfect place to never develop your skills, stay a toy, and contribute to the worst graff scene ever!


don't hesitate! Derby has a wack spot waiting for you! With this offer comes a pack of yellow chalk so you can trace your first outline. But don't worry. This bonus will not affect your toy status, it may even increase it!


So join us!


:scream: :scream: :scream:


haha that made me laugh!


funny but still... come on man if you look at everything on page 33 you cant say it is all wack. icon9.gif It is sad that the Derby scene is on such a poor level but there ARE talented people here. You don't see much by them because there is not any suitable places to paint, the current spots are too small to paint anything remotely sizeable or detailed. Also it would help if the youngsters would make use of pen and paper and actually develop a style before they went out with the cans. But again, look at page 33 and if you can't see that there is people with skills then never mind.


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the thing that Derby suffers from is not a having a regular abused HOF,like Notts does,even Mansfield. If it did,and it was regular attended,then it would have a significant effect on graf in Derby. when the origianl boards where up & running,getting 6 or 7 writers there on a hot day,with various styles,was a hell of a kick. It made me a better person & writer for all the times i visited. It would also make the thread better with regular new peices being done.The thread doesnt need 1 page of pics/2 of baiting/piss taking.

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Man locos right! Derby needs a hall of fame! i've lived in Derby 3 years now and I haven't seen any work compare to the earlier days of arboreaton parks legal wall. its something every city needs, but to get this you need the support of the pubic, council and police. which we havent got, thanks to toys ruining it and the evening telegraph blowin it outta proportion! these days are hard!! theres £1000 rewards out on writers and every pensioner peepin behind the curtains for a chance of the loot. We gotta be militant to acieve anything on the streets at the moment and derbys best just arent gettin up, thats why theres no new flicks.... Realness, lifes probably easier for you in Montreal, you dont know bout Derby!! And listen to the derby souljah when he says theres talent here, cos mate its fucking here!! And that goes out to anybody else that has a problem wit our scene, u dont like it, dont visit! one love derby

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OK listen up:

i'm getting really pissed off with toys around the west end area tagging really shit tags up on peoples property, and spraying the church near the subway. all this is doing is upsetting everybody, including the police. (my brother and his mates have been aggressively searched several times by the cops recently and everytime the excuse is graffiti. the last time the fuckers dragged him through a rosebush, fuckin assholes).

i know i've done my own nasty pissed up bombing sprees in my time and i personally love to see a nicely placed tag sometimes, but this is getting seriously out of hand now.

i know who you are, you know who you are, stop doing it or i'm gonna start slappin people, i fuckin mean it. there's people on this forum who i know are trying really hard to get derby its own legal spots and stuff, which is only a good thing for the scene. and everytime i'm walking home from work and i see that some little twat has written some poorly thought out jibe on the church walls it makes my blood boil.


aaaaaand relax.


on a lighter note, i'm liking the positive action in making this thread more picture oriented. lets see some more flicks, there must be some kicking around somewhere! i ain't seen half those old pics, excellent stuff.

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Originally posted by <<mist101>>@Dec 7 2005, 09:31 PM

If ya dont mind me askin 141.80 who were da writers or were dey just unheard of tags written in perminant marker which dey nicked from staples

i agree mist i know some of these new wrighters along with some other ppl on this forum .... thay just wonna lern ..like my self and others ill try and sperad the word around to calm it down 141.80 safe


ps post some flix :king:

i think i have some lying around some were

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