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Don't Call it Frisco


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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


From what I can remember the REAL Alert from Boston, 5AV, was in THR circa 1995.


Funny that there is some new Alert that has probably never heard of Alert 5AV now writing THR.


Do you think Twist even gives a shit anymore?

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retired. youre a fucktard that contributes nothin but nonsense negativity to this forum. vegtabeef is noone from aq yet you say they are self promoting. thirdly, self promo using pictures of alot of street bombing and dope burners etc. wouldnt be possible unless you actually painted the above mentioned things. so instead of hating continuously like every other nameless chump on here, why not give props when its due. bump that old odis flick, that sufer is clean, bump goofe,reba,enyhs,keep,vomit,silencer and all the other good flicks on the last page. and that questionable flick up there looks like it could be riker mdr...from s.d. but im not sure...style looks a bit different.



Stop taking shit so serious.


Everyone has a right to their opinion.



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Yeah Alert form Boston has been around for a long time. This Alert probably doesn't care, seems like a lot of sf writers are oblivious to graff outside of the city.


Sadly enough its like that everywhere.


Its just funny he is pushing the same crew.


Alert 5AV pretty much defined the Boston handstyle.


He also brought up an entire school of writers in athe city he moved to.


Dude is a legend.


If you are going to push a legendary crew like THR learn about your elders first.


Just my opinion.


No disrespect to Alert from SF, dude puts it down.


Kid just needs to do some research and respect his elders.

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Retired, you're the only person that cares about pretty much all of the shit you talk about...


Of course I care, I put my heart and soul into graffiti and dedicated more than half my life to it.


I hate seeing it go to shit.


If half the people that read my so called hating think about what I say I am happy.


Ask anyone who has been around for a long time if they agree with me.


I would love to hear what they say.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


I'm just saying, you could save yourself a lot of time by not even signing on to 12oz.


You could just open Microsoft Word, and write the same kind of stuff you always do.




"Yo the state of graffiti isn't what it used to be a decade ago. Because unlike fashion, music, the middle east, and everything else in the world, I thought graff would stay the same"


Then you could wait a few minutes, maybe go get a beer... Then respond to nothing. Just like you did when no one was paying attention to you.


"No fuck that, I've been in the game for 36 years. This is the end all of graff knowledge. Right here. Graffiti ends with me."


Then you could download some Raven Riley porn, rub one off, and go to bed content with yourself, and we wouldn't have to read it, or the people who always respond to argue with you.



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I'm just saying, you could save yourself a lot of time by not even signing on to 12oz.


You could just open Microsoft Word, and write the same kind of stuff you always do.




"Yo the state of graffiti isn't what it used to be a decade ago. Because unlike fashion, music, the middle east, and everything else in the world, I thought graff would stay the same"


Then you could wait a few minutes, maybe go get a beer... Then respond to nothing. Just like you did when no one was paying attention to you.


"No fuck that, I've been in the game for 36 years. This is the end all of graff knowledge. Right here. Graffiti ends with me."


Then you could download some Raven Riley porn, rub one off, and go to bed content with yourself, and we wouldn't have to read it, or the people who always respond to argue with you.




Change is good, but there is a certain code of conduct that has been passed down through the generations of writers.


Im not saying graff ends with me.


This shit is going to go on long after we are all gone.


I dont beat off.


I fuck your mother.


I make your dad watch.


He cries like a small child whos candy has been taken away.


I lube her old pussy with his tears.


Just kidding. No internet beef.


Was that off-key?

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


cake hr is now tko..... on the real tho, that fool has been gettin up pretty hard in the east bay.

as the battle continued, seems like cake hr's style got cleaner, while cake bkf's got wacker....


... and whatsup wit aq heads frontin an sayin that bogls dead? pretty lame...

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