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Don't Call it Frisco


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just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true. I mean, really, if we all wanted to drysnitch, we could talk about frogs walking instead of hopping, huh? Jake isn't Hero. End of story. Stop being so cheap.


*this comes from a third party perspective that has nothing to do with this whole ridiculous, sordid affair.


im not cheap...im rich bitch. so be coo...

so youre sayin that hero's and jake's bubble letters are not the EXACT same thing?

ok dr. phil...you are correct.


end of story

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2 centavos:


MQ, BNE and i would like to add ADEK are probably the most influential bombers for the people doing their thing nowadays, so it shouldnt be a suprise that the letters coming out these days have those people's flavour. As long as it's not a blatant bite, i don't see a problem with that.








Would you consider this "flavour" or a blatant bite?

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