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Don't Call it Frisco


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SKREENNAME just made the biggest ass out of himself.

seriously, he outlined that aviso throw with pencil before he outlined it with pen.

what the fuck is he thinking? honestly its like a joke. i could go on and on. i think its so fucking funny.


Hey jackass, I did it with a pen and it didn't show up when I flicked it so I went over it again with a sharpie.


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read more about the graff game before you start asking questions and looking like a caup.



I know enough about graffiti to know that you don't do half your name in old english and the other half straightletter you fucking idiot. And this makes me sound like a cop? You kids crack me up.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


damn, it's funny to see what level these kids who talk shit are really on.

is there a void button on this thing?

keep your "adjustments" to yourself.....

and just be happy that someone gave you an idea to expand from.

fuckin crumbsnatcher.

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yeah. thats funny.


meanwhile, youre a toy and a complete retard.


Yeah I guess. Sorry that's all I could do with your bullshit throwie.

I tried to do you a favor and help you out. I tried, but it was fucked to begin with.

At least I made that shit legible.

Try learning how to form your letters. Your "L" looks more like a hand putting up the middle finger or a retarded W.

And I don't know what the fucks going on with your "O". Looks more like a retarded X or K. But I'm the retarded toy I guess.:haha:

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SKREENNAME just made the biggest ass out of himself.

seriously, he outlined that aviso throw with pencil before he outlined it with pen.

what the fuck is he thinking? honestly its like a joke. i could go on and on. i think its so fucking funny.


not tryna make an ass out of you but it was an ALSO?:cool:

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