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Don't Call it Frisco


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last months losers.


Case ..060-582-703

June 2, 0322 hrs. 1300 blk Turk St.

Ofc. Richardson and Ofc. Mahoney were on routine patrol when they two female subjects one of which was writing on the fence and the other standing by. When the officers tried to detain the females one of them ran away. Ofc. Mahoney was able to catch up to the female and take her into custody. Ofc Mahoney located a paint pen and spray paint cans. The subject was arrested.




Case .. 060-589-812

June 3, 2356 hrs. 14th St.

Ofc. Reilly, Sgt. Serujo and Sgt. Delgadillo responded to a vandalism call. Two citizens told them that they witnessed 4 males standing on the sidewalk, two of which were spray painting the building while the other two acted as lookouts. The officers saw the new graffiti on the wall. The subjects were located. Officers found Marijuana, and spray can nozzles. The subjects were arrested.


Case 060590320

June 4, 0435 hrs; Bosworth and Arlington St.

Off. Morow while on patrol saw the suspect spray painting the cement wall of the 280 freeway underpass. He was placed under arrest and during a search the officer seized a can of spray paint, marker and pair of brass knuckles.


Case .. 060-593-722

June 5, 0356 hrs; 2000 blk. Mission

Ofc. ORourke and Ofc. Bucy responded to a call of suspects spray painting a building. When they arrived a citizen told them that he saw the two suspects spray painting a building wall. The citizen pointed to the area the suspect walked to. The officers located the suspects. The citizen positively identified both suspects. Both suspects had spray paint cans, markers, spray tips and stickers on their possession. The suspects were


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