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ok fair enoguh u changed ur idiot claim well just agree 2 disagree but about the same amount of people saw Kalm wc running. public response is largely irrelevant cause they cant discern between crew and solo effort, if u told ppl KD was three blokes and Kalm was 1 that would in turn influence their "level of awe" u kno? gotta put each effort in2 context and only people who can truely do that are writers and i wud go as far 2 say that only train writers can fully appreciate that shit (another reason y i was hating on harts shitty 5 minute throwups in same yards (AND EXACT SAME SPOTS) that ppl have dun wholecars, which is y i larfed when some cunt sed "pretty good considering the time he would of got). the time u get is determined by how smart u r. of corz your going 2 get 5 mins if you run in and hit a train still at cleaning station in yard u kno?

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I am on the tip with all your claims. Junkie panels were the absolute shit, hitting up laid trains while the driver was walking the.... ahhh shit. Now I'm just talking. But yeah mate, I know. It's true not many people knew the KD was three people, but it was still the first WC in Perth on the new metal. If I'm wrong on that I'm tripping.


I'm saying that shit was next level when it was done, and was definitely some pioneering shit.


Fucking oath the yards are harder now.


Hart's shit could have been achieved in a back jump on all four lines if the timing was right.


I don't give a fuck about your grammar mate.

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cool, were on roughly the same page. ditto to the BJ claim indeed ive seen way fresher shit actually running on the system. quick yard hit = cowards way out = lack of knowledge of the system


theyre all iinactiv now anyway 2 my knowledge.


yeah KD were the 1st. and Kane was first 2 rock a sparky, so nobody can ever take away "first" haha.

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Why you hatin on hart? You can go on and on about the good old dayz

but face the facts, times have changed, Perth steel isn't the same anymore

so why u hatin kfa? The fact is hart is puttin in work, and you ain't so what you axin bout it fo

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trck bro ur style looks a lot like overs K n shit and more importantly in terms of ur safety bro u cleared ur word with the legendary Trik KA? bump ur comment about the hurdle tho ahahahahahaha



There has been many Triks, tricks, tryks, trix, trics. Which one are you talking about again?

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