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FDA approves computer chip for humans


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i once heard a story on this talk radio show that the government was doing tests on cows using microchips ........shit was insane ,they said thay could actually control the cows movement through remote control........if true thats some wild shit .........we will all probley be controlled in a hundred years....hell were already being controlled now ,,,,,,,,,through fear....but thats a whole other topic..............

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ok...all this talk made me wonder about jamming devices...so I went a google searchin to see what I could find. enough conspiracy theories to make my head start spinnin'. damn. not a complete loss though...I stumbled on a police radar gun 'jamming' topic on another board that seemed interesting enough. anyway....back to the subject on hand.


it doesn't sound like the RFID technology is quite to the military/law enforcement tracking capability yet. it doesn't sound like it will be cost effective for quite a while either. if it does get there...I'd hope that there are enough intelligent dissidents to come up with jamming devices. but, like I said earlier...there are more than enough 'convenience' labeled trackable devices out there already. because if the authorities really want to find you...all they need to do is establish a perimiter.


here's a fact page on the RFID technology.

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