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Graffiti Pimps & Graffiti Prostitutes








A graffiti pimp is that individual who for obvious personal reasons, sponsors the graffiti prostitutes and without any regard and respect for our Culture, continues to perpetuate the racist and classist denigration of our Culture by referring to it as "graffiti."


A "signature" and/or a "masterpiece" were never, nor will they ever be, a "crude drawing," a "scribble," a "scratch," or a "scrawling."


The graffiti pimp is usually a Culture outsider who has never set foot inside a train yard or tunnel to write his or her name or do a masterpiece on a train car, and/or risk his or her behind to the 600 volts of juice that run on the third rail. They've never done all of the above because the graffiti pimp simply put, was never a Writer. This being-an-outsider factor is, by the way, one of the reasons why the graffiti pimp doesn't understand that those of us who are Writers, refer to our art form as Writin' instead of "graffiti."


Graffiti pimps are always searching for and expecting some type of personal reward for their manipulation and mentoring of the graffiti prostitutes that make up the pimp's barn. This reward could be financial, free press, fame, etc.


There are two types of graffiti prostitutes, of the first and the second kind.




It is the worst of the two kinds. This creature will distort history by selling his / her false soul to a book author or to a film maker and by lying. Making up stories. Placing himself / herself at a place in time that really never existed or will ever exist, a "twilightzonical" situation.


It is the worst of the two types of "g" prostitutes because the film, magazine article, or book in question will remain as a printed record filled with false data for future generations to also be misled.


Of course, this kind of "g" prostitute carries out this type of behavior for personal, selfish gain. But in this mythical and self-serving process, the "g" prostitute of the first kind hurts the accuracy of historical data on Aerosol Art.


The damage is worst if the book or movie in question really takes off and is very successful in the public domain. Obviously, the more people who see or read this prostitute's garbage, the greater the number of people who are at risk of being misled and misinformed, such as it is the case of a lot of people in Europe who became aware of "graffiti" through Hip Hop, and therefore, have been misled to believe the nonsense that "graffiti is one of the four elements of Hip Hop." This suggestion is just as ludicrous as the suggestion that it's Barack Obama's policies which have caused the financial mess we currently face.


Modern aerosol Writing as we know it, was started in Philadelphia and NYC in the late '60s - early '70s. Hip Hop was started in the late '70s. In this case, the chicken absolutely, positively did not come before the egg. Instead, it was the other way around.




This kind of graffiti prostitute is the one who sells his / her "tag" to be featured on anything and everything from condoms to jeans to skate boards to toilet paper, in order to make a few chump dollars.


This poor creature is just that - poor, and must earn some chump change somehow in order to survive. This is the kind of graffiti prostitute who labels himself or herself an "entrepreneur." The same kind who will sell his/her "tag" for a few dollars @ eBay. Who knows,

with the advances in technology, it may be appropriate today to refer to this creature as a 'cyber-graffiti prostitute.'


At times, this kind of graffiti prostitute will try to convince a bona fide Writing pioneer from the real Old School of NYC Writing, to join him/her @ eBay for example, in an attempt to ride the historical coattails of the legitimate Old School Writer.


Today, the majority of the public who visit eBay and are not familiar with the true history of NYC Writing, run the risk of being further misled into believing a "g" prostitute's false "historical" hype such as, "Yo!, I started 'bombing' in the early '70s." If the public sees, for example, this "g" prostitute's tag alongside a "Stay High 149" signature being auctioned off for a few chump dollars, the public has very little choice but to believe that the "g" prostitute is indeed a "pioneer" and a "legend."


Although a graffiti prostitute of the second kind has the unethical qualifications to lie about his / her place in time in the history of Aerosol Art, his / her behavior is not as damaging to the history of Aerosol Art as a graffiti prostitute of the first kind's is, but nevertheless, will sell all rights to his / her name without regard for where it may be printed and how often it may be printed, therefore, truly losing out on the full benefit of residual income. Some "entrepreneur," a true loser!



Copyright © 2000, 2002, 2009 MICO ~as~ LATIN PRIDE!

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