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Ireland (mostly Dublin)


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haha why what do you write?? probably dnt even write..!!wanna drop me a pm?? or are you another one of these people that give abuse but pussy it out wen bein confronted..yeh thought so ya faggot,viva hate what a stupid name!!!:rolleyes:

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that crept is soooo bitten off cist. the T is just a shit version of cist, the fill in is a shit version of cist and the way he put a white inline for the whole piece is biting off cist. if all of you thicks want to stick up for him as if he is being bullied or as if he is your little brother be my guest. anyone who argues is pretty much admitting they dont have a clue about what they are talking about.

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fuck off ya slow the way he inlined yhe whole thing is bitten off cist ? are you just simple or what. every writer inlines there whole pieces thats the point of a fucking inline thats like saying you bit doing two outlines around your piece cmon cop on ya bollox

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can people not just post flicks without being called biters, i dont know whether its a dublin thing or its all over Ireland but heads seem to think that coming online and calling people out makes them a good writer or makes them seem like they know what theyre talking about.

It doesnt it just clogs up this thread on a daily basis with internet beef and bullshit, its a waste of time and energy so why bother.

this thread used to be a good representation of irish graf.

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