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To whatever tool said theyre sick of seeing rask do the same letters all the time....you clearly havent been paying much attention cos if you stand that piece which is a few years old up against a recent piece you can clearly see alot of development in letter shape and additions to the piece.

He's probably one of the few writers who in Ireland who has actually managed to become somewhat wild style and still maintaining a proper letter structure, by slowly developing a solid as fuck piece over the years.


go educate yerself next time first

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What fucking fun is it if you have to look at someone's piece for 5 minutes just to figuere out that it's different from his last one by 2 new added arrows and one new connection?...No disrespect to Rask by the way, I just don't think you make a very strong argument there CrackOne.

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Fair point, and I dont even think yer man meant any disrespect either....but its clearly not the same piece over and over and it doesnt take anyone five minutes to see that.

Theyre stock solid letters which have developed, at a time in graf when people are just sticking things on left right and center with no purpose to them or it making any sense its nice to see a semi wild piece where every extension and connection makes sense and should be there.

In my opinion theres not a whole lot of writers out there capable of droppin pieces as good as he is. Especially the more recent ones. Not trying to turn this into a who's better or who you'd rather look at, I simply believe his quality of pieces deserve props.

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Ya I agree with you, I was just picking up on the statement about the letters always being the same, i'd say thats not true at all. Alot of cisto pieces look similar, its not to say theyre not burners though.

I think to just say your sick of seeing the same letters is in no way recognising how good the pieces are week in week out. Its a stupid comment to make in my opinion.


Anyway I get the feeling this is turning into a completely new argument of what styles people are into, everyone is entitled to like whatever they like, that wasnt my point at all in the first place.

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