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Posts posted by kilo_mike_sierra

  1. On 11/12/2020 at 5:30 AM, Ko SprueOne said:

    The freight stock in Australia look like scale model trains. Nothing negative intended by that. Just an observation I find interesting

    Don't be fooled, SCT and Sadleirs boxcars are pretty large carriages. And the double-stacked containers on intermodal wagons are a mighty impressive site when the train is charging through rural/remote outback areas. It's definitely a different look to models overseas though. We do have coal-trains and stuff but just in different parts of the country. The Perth - Adelaide - Melbourne route is a lot of intermodal wagons, box-cars, steel wagons and SCTs.


    Side note, I'm such a little fangirl slut for the styles WLS, TC, RS dudes rock (And plenty of others of course... won't name individual names). It's sort of a modern twist on OG NYC subway graff, except it's getting a life of it's own with Aussie freights. The SCTs were pretty much untouched like 10 years ago and now we've sorta had our own little secondary 'train revolution' (After our metros decades ago of course), except it's on our freights.


    I just find those styles so much cooler and flat out fresher than the sub-par 'burner graff' your typical gym-junkie, Monster Energy snapback wearing, peaked-at-20, ice-pipe smoking tradie battlers pump out. You know... the dudes who love talking shit on "HIPSTER GRAFFF" because they're looking to start drama like highschool kids. Could also just be tall-poppy syndrome (In true Aussie fashion), because I think it's reasonable to attribute a lot of this 'freight revolution' (For lack of a better word... trying to not cringe at myself) to the dudes painting those funky public styles. It's clear from these photos, videos online, and benching in real life that it's pretty common now.


    Personal preference of course... I just find a lot of  Australian graffiti a bit stagnate or mediocre. Of course not all graff has to be excellent... but when I see some of the ugly anti-styles, or the funky public styles (Or subway styles whatever the fuck you wanna call it) rolling past, it puts a massive smile on my face and I can't explain why. My preference is always that less is more... so much skillful to burn with simple letters and colours, than to dress up an average straight or burner with 10 colours. No hate to anyone painting whatever style of course... just being an armchair critic.


    Rant over. Hopefully not derailing the thread too much Schnitzel... been inside a lot lately and just figured this is like the only active Aussie freight thread on here.

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  2. On 10/8/2020 at 3:21 PM, Schnitzel said:

    But yeah online info not reliable compared to the old trackers now sadly shut down.

    I've heard about this mysterious tracker on Railpage and other forums. I don't know much about it. It seemed like it was originally designed for the freight companies and their clients to track their cargo? And it fell into the hands of gunzels over the years? Sounds like a writer's wet dream for knowing the times of crossing loops... would save a lot of time/effort lol. 

  3. if im driving to the spot, im sober/under the legal alcohol limit.

    if im walking/ riding a bike it can be any amount of beers/weed ranging from 0 to infinite. 

    i try to avoid painting too intoxicated because theres some level of paranoia waking up the next day hungover, realising I caught hella tags while absolutely shitfaced and wondering "fuck ,did I even look over my shoulder before doing half of those" or worrying about CCTV and my face showing up on TV because I was a dumbass. but its fun at the time lol.  same deal with benzos except that shit probably removes even more of your inhibitions... i misspelled my own world while on bars once. no dice.


    catching a little bit of wreck on coke is alright but same class as alcohol/benzos... anything that can remove most of your inhbiiton is not good in graff... sometimes you need to be able to trust that gut feeling to NOT go for something. im also too poor for coke.


    small amount of weed and a chill beer is golden at a chill day spot... nothing better than soft spring sunshine shining on the wall, cold beer or two, maybe a doob or some nicotine before/during, taking your sweet as motherfuckin time without a care in the world. while I love smoking weed at home, with painting it can be hit or miss . generally it either makes me too zoned in on my piece (not aware of my surroundings), or hyper-aware of my surroundings (too paranoid). at night time I often mistake trees in the wind for moving people, get confused if its  a flash light or a street light etc. so for night missions its no good. although that post-night mission smoke is up there as one of the best drug vibes, and a light smoke is pretty chill most of the time. I dont understand the types of writers that can be chainsmoking bongs all evening, punch a bong  RIGHT before they head out and thats the norm for them... choof heads. theyre usually the nicest blokes in the bunch though lol.

    i imagine stimulants like mdma would be good to paint on. meth must be great to paint on, as evidenced by many prolific writers in my country. i have little interest in doing that seeing the harm it causes to people and their lives. dont do meth. 


    you need to be an extreme cooker to paint on psychedlics- i caught some tags on mushrooms once and they were unlike anything ive ever done before... was mad fun but not practical lol. 

    modafinil is a great stimulant- similar to being geeked on caffeine without the shakiness... makes you very awake and alert without being scatty or intoxicated.

    phenibut is like the best parts of alcohol/benzos withot the intoxicated effects. i recommend if you DONT have problems with benzos.alcohol (can be very addicitive). sadly it used to be legal (grey area) in my country and now it is certainly not. 


    tldr; chill beers gets you to a sick level. lil bit of weed at the day spot never goes astray either. real kings paint sober though. graffiti is addicting enough, its stupid to develop a substance abuse problem SO you can paint. catching tags after a party or night out is often my favourite part of the whole night though lol. im that dude who's non-writer friends don't understand why I opt to walk 45-60min home instead of just paying $10 for an uber





  4. On 3/11/2019 at 12:33 PM, Don'te Setter said:

    Iv personally known a couple of these “all country” writers listed above, and they have one thing in common. Rich mommies and daddies that pay their way in life. 

    sounds like someones jealous, or upset their parents were poor. 

    personal life has nothing to do with the graff game. all that matters is whats in the streets,

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