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Everything posted by Aristo

  1. Sorry it's been awhile. But I saw this and yes I think it's helped me out. I'll have to spend some time experimenting with serifs some more. I've been working on merging my letters and making smoother connections.
  2. I’m trying to work into using more serifs and extensions but I feel a little lost going into it.
  3. How can I tell the difference between a kink in a letter and a serif? Generally speaking I know the difference but there's times when I look at a letter within a piece and have absolutely no clue how to tell the difference. (And would creating a kink be the equivalent of creating a new bar?) Another question, are you allowed to just add a bar to a letter and maintain letter structure? Not like an extension but like just a good ole regular bar. Say you have a B and the base of the B is flattened out completely instead of it being consistently round the whole way through. Is that just a B with a kink or is the equivalent to adding a bar? Sorry for not adding images to aid my questions. I'm busy so you'll have to conceptualize it the best you can lol.
  4. A bit of a struggle to find an e that works. I’d like to use an uppercase E but I’ll still need to experiment a bit before I come up with something I’m satisfied with. I can’t figure out how to fill the negative space in an appealing way with a capital e
  5. I’ve been busy so I haven’t had much time to sketch. I’m not a huge fan of my R and the A and R are totally squished together but otherwise I think it’s not terrible?
  6. @JokerYeah that's super helpful! I'll play around with the knowledge you gave me and I'll get some stuff posted at some point.
  7. Thank you, I appreciate it!
  8. I’ve been wanting to try working on more technical skills but I have no clue where to start. Any chance I could get a push in the right direction?
  9. Yeah I agree the X was off. It was some experimental stuff and I was trying to get adjusted to it. I wasn’t trying to do 3D though, it was a just a shit drop shadow
  10. @JokerAwesome, I really the appreciate the help.
  11. Practicing some simples
  12. Okay so watched a how to piece video from The Artist Block to see if I could learn anything new and in the video Grim states that when constructing a block letter the bars have to connect at the verticies. But what about an L where I only see one of the verticies actually makes contact with a verticies from another bar. And what about the letter T where there it connects at the center of the bar and not any of the verticies? I know I’ve gotta be misunderstanding something but I can’t exactly put my finger on it. Would someone mind clearing that up?
  13. Messing around with more letters and such. Could I get some crits?
  14. @misteravenI appreciate the suggestion but I think I'm gonna stick with the "i" that I have for now. I kind of like where I'm going with it. But then again i'll probably end up changing it up in the future anyways lol
  15. @JokerDamn I didn't even think of integrating the I into the A like that. I was too focused on keeping the two letters separate. I see what you mean with the letter structure of the R too.
  16. @LUGR Alright for sure, I appreciate it.
  17. I’ve been working on developing an “i” and I’ve created a letter that I like but after playing around with it for awhile I’m struggling to figure out how to fit it into my piece. Could I get some suggestions?
  18. @Joker Alright for sure, I appreciate it.
  19. @Joker I was looking for advice so I guess I should've made that clear lol. Thanks for the critique and taking time to create some examples though! My terminology knowledge is pretty bad so I'm gonna have to ask what you mean by bar weight? Are you just referring to consistent bar width?
  20. Kinda new here, but here’s some quick pieces I was working on today. I’ve been trying to attempt my pieces in the same way I do my throwies. I’m trying to lay out the lines for the bars in one clean stroke rather than sketching them out slowly.
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