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  1. I Was bombing with my crew one time in some tunnels and we were suuppppeeeerrrr far in so if someone was standing at the end they literally looked like they were an inch tall. While we were starting we were mixing cans and what not someone walked to the end of the tunnel and yelled "HEY!" we all almost shit our pants. Then we hear "ARE YOU GUYS SMOKING?"... turns out it was some stoner trying to get some free tokes. We all thought it was some rent a city worker trying to like lock us up or charge us XD. Fun times. Fun times. I have gotten to learn though.. the only people you really need to look out for are the city workers and the cops. Practically everyoone else thinks that the urban art is cool. I like to keep a good rep on my alter ego.. i do this by like not putting "bad" words in my art or anything. This has made the city want to kind of keep our work around.
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