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Posts posted by corporaljigsorequandry

  1. yup, I live in the house that my great grandparents owned, as well as my grandparents and my mom and is now mine, again, after living on my own for 10 years.now I just pay utilities and property tax. instead of working myself to death to pay rent to someone else.no shame in my game. and I don't stick my dick in cross eyed inbred country bumbkins cuz I don't have to.



  2. foreal? lights out would do it for you? I live in a basement and my room still doesn't get dark enough for that. to each there own I guess but in my opinion that thing is worse than the fattest of fat girls.

  3. would get dome from glasses girls, yolandi gets it purely on some bucket list shit, trash whit hula girl, trash newgirls mom boobs,smash sailor moon, for the last one, first instinct says smash, but further analysis makes me think there could be a cock in there, mainly the shoulders and the adams apple... rip mike.

  4. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


    these are my pets. my dog Otis, and my cat bartholomeow. I don't get to see bart anymore. I lost him in the divorce and I miss him a fucking lot. coolest fucking cat ive ever known... but Otis is my dog, dawg


    p><p> <img src=[/img]


    <a href=dogs.jpg' alt='dogs.jpg'>


    sorry for the size

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